Cherry Blossom Tree

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{Sakura x Kuga}

*~*My POV*~*

Sakura was walking slowly but bouncy. She was meeting Kuga here today. She wore a pink T-shirt, white jean shorts, and white and pink adidas. Her hair was tied in her usual pigtails with her bangs covering her forehead. She hums to a happy tune. Here she was, walking down a lane that had cherry blossom trees on each side. There it was, the biggest tree in the entire park. She saw his blonde hair and smiled brightly. She ran up to him waving.

" Hey Kuga over— " She was cut off when she was pushed by this girl. " Move it, flatly " She sneered at her before running with her friends to go see Kuga, who was about 3 feet away from them. " Ouch " She said, she'd scraped her knee on the gravel and hurt her ankle. " Hey Ku—ga...? " She asked.!Kuga walked passed the girls to Sakura. " Sakura you should be more careful. You could really get hurt " He said holding out his hand. B" I know. Sorry to make you worry " She said, and took his hand.

He pulls her up, but when she stood up, she winced slightly and ended up stumbling, but he caught her. Her face burned a bright red. " Woah, are you okay? " He asked. " I-I... yeah " She said, but when she tried to put weight on her foot, it hurt a lot. Kuga sighed, bending down. He picks up her right foot. " It looks like a sprain. It might not be, but just to be safe don't put too much weight on it okay? " He asked.

She nodded. " W-wait but then how are we gonna hang out today? You wanted to go to that amusement park right? I can— " He cuts her off. " It's okay Sakura. Your hurt so we should worry about that instead. Here, climb on " He said turning around. " What? " She asked. " Get on my back. I'll carry you " He said. " um... Okay " She said, before getting onto his back. He stands, and bumps her up so she's not falling. People start whispering as they walked passed.

Isn't that Kuga?

Who's that on his back?

Is that his girlfriend?

No way he's mine!

You've gotta admit they look cute!

I've never seen her before though

Sakura blushed a lot. She's never had this much attention outside of school. Kuga was used to people gawking at him since Yumemishi started. Soon they make their way to a nearby convenience store, where they get some rubbing alcohol and gauze. He cleaned the wound off, with her slightly whimpering. He wrapped it up tightly. " Thank you " She said Boeing. " Sakura, you don't have to be so formal with me. We're not strangers " He smiled.

(Imagine a bubbly background behind Sakura)

She nodded with a smile. " No, were not. " She agreed. She climbed back onto his back and they wave at the store clerk before leaving. " I just love to see young love " The woman gushed. " Get back to work! " Her boss ordered. She groaned and does so.

~A little later~

They were at the biggest tree. Known as 'The Great Blossom'. " It's pretty funny huh? " Kuga asked. " What is? " She asked. " Here we are, at a huge Sakura tree, and we were supposed to be at a different park. But somehow I'm glad that we didn't go, because I really like it here " He said. " It is pretty nice. I always liked Sakura trees. It's my name after all. And I always thought, wow I wish I could be just as pretty as a Sakura tree. " She slightly laughed.

" But it's not so easy I guess. Everyone loves Sakura trees, but no one wants to see Sakura the pers— " She was cut off when he pressed his lips onto hers. Her whole face turned as red as a tomato. He pushed away from her. " Kuga you... " She said, still shocked. " You can't say such bad things about yourself. Who cares about all those other people? I'd rather stare into your eyes all day then at some stupid tree. Even if they don't see you I do " He said

She was shocked beyond words. " Your so nice and you care so much about everyone. Your an amazing person Sakura " He said. Sakura's eyes well up with tears. " H-hey don't cry! What's wrong Sakura? " He asked. She jumped to hug him. " Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that from you " She said. He smiled softly at her before shaking his arms around her waist, hugging her tightly.

~Across the park~

" See, I told you there was nothing to worry about Misa " Usui sighed. " Hmm, I guess your right. I'll trust him for now " She said. " Good! Now how about we go over to my place and you entertain me in your maid outfit? " He said holding her waist. " No say you perverted outer space human " She said annoyed. " Eh, worth a shot " He shrugged.

Maid-Sama One Shots!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt