Chapter 31- Aliyah and Shehry's fight+shahana reality

Start from the beginning

"That was a sweet hug.,.. I didn't expect to get a hug like that this morning... I love it..." Shehry whispered in my ear.

When shehry was near me I forgot about raihaan

When we went to class then I remembered that he tried to talk to me...

I hope he doesn't try to talk to me again!!!

Class started.... He kept looking at me but shehry told me not to worry.

I kept praying for the class to finish. Finally class was finish

We all went in the canteen.

Raihaan came and was sitting with zoya

Really! He's sitting with zoya!! Something is wrong!

He kept looking at me

"Why is he looking at u like that!?" Shehry asked

He was extremely angry

"I don't know!" I replied

He held my hand and brought me where raihaan and zoya were

"Hey,u.... Listen! Stop looking at aliyah like that understand!!! She's my fiancé!! Stop looking at her!!!! " shehry told him angrily

"Shehry shh... Let is be" I said

"What let it be! Maybe he's looking at u.... But u r mine and I can't see it if somebody else look at u!" He said

"Shehry,stop it,let's go" waqas said

"Yeah,let's go bro" sain said

We all went away and sat...

"What's his problem!" Atif asked

"I don't know! He just kept looking at aliyah.... " sain said

Shehry didn't tell them about raihaan


"How dare he talk to me like that!!!!" Raihaan said

"When he's gone now u r saying this?" I said

"Am so gonna separate them now! Mission start!!!!!" He said and we high five

"U know what u have to do? " raihaan asked and I nodded

"U?" I asked and he nodded

They were sitting on a bench..


Shehry and I were sitting on a bench... He's quite quiet...

"What happen?" I asked

"Nothing " he replied

Suddenly I saw zoya looking at shehry. Raihaan was looking at me.. I looked away

I looked at, them again and zoya was still looking at shehry and raihaan still at me..

Shehry saw me looking at them

He looked at zoya

"What r u lookin at him?" He asked

"What!!? What r u talking about" I asked

"Look,.raihaan is looking at u and u r looking at him " he said

"What! What do u mean?" I asked

"R u sure that u wanna be in a relationship with me?" He asked

I was so shocked...

"Wait!! What about u huuh?? U r looking at zoya and she's looking at u!" I said

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