Chapter 24- Mom Is Here!!!

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"Aliyah... open the door plzz" Aisha shouted

"Yup!" I replied and went to open the door

"Shahana finally u r here! Come in!" I said as I opened the door

She has two bags with her in which there were her personal stuffs.

I helped her with her bags and we went inside. There were two rooms empty. I told her to choose in which one she wanna stay. Then we went downstairs.

"Coffee?" I asked

"Hmm,ok" she replied

In the meantime,Aisha and sarah came and they met shahana. I prepared coffee for all of us. I gave them and we sat on the sofa.

"That's gonna be so cool! Right" sarah said and we all nodded
Ding Dong

"Now who's here!" Aisha asked

She walked towards the door and open it.

"Hussain,shehry! Come in" aisha said and I glanced at the door. I saw shehry and I smiled at him. He smiled back. They came and sat on the sofa

Shehry sat next to me and hussain next to aisha.

"So,shahana,u r here... That's gonna be fun time for you guys" hussain said

"Yeah a lot" shahana replied

"U guys want coffee?" I asked

"Hmm,if it's ok with u to prepare it " shehry said

"Ok,wait I'll prepare it and come" I said and kept my coffee on the table and went in the kitchen.

I put the water to boil.


Aliyah went in the kitchen to prepare coffee.... They were all talking

"I'll be back" I said

I walked to the kitchen.. There she is!

I tiptoed to her... And hug her from behind

"Shehry?" She asked

"Hmmm" I said

My hands were on her waist,my head on her shoulder. She put her hands on mine. I turned her around to face me

She put her hands around my neck and mine on her waist.

"Hmm,so what r u doing in the kitchen?" She asked

"To meet u" I replied

"Really,so you've met me. So go now" she said

"What! U r telling me to go?" I asked

"Yes" I said

I removed my hand from her waist and turned and was walking away.

"Hey," she said and hold my hand. She stopped me from going

I turned around and she came close to me

"U r really going" she asked

"U told me to go" I said

"Hmmm,I was just kidding" she replied

"I know" I said and put my hand on her waist and brought her closer to me


Shehry put his hand on my waist and brought me closer to him.

My hand slapped on his chest. My eyes widened and my heart beat went fast. I could feel his heart beating fast.

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