Thank you!

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Hey hey hey!!!
Yes it's me!
After a looonngggggg time!
I'm in my Easter holidays as from today!!!!
I know many of u are sad as this story has ended
And am extremely sorry for late reply when you msg me or when you comment on any of the chapters
I get many notifs and i was busy with school, projects and stuffs and I didn't get time
But today itself I logged in and replied to all of u I think
I'm really sorry if I missed ur msg or comment
And I'm so grateful to every single one of you
Thanks to you all that I've been able to write this book!
And I've 50k+ readers!!
It's honesty a really big thing for me
Thank you all for your lovely comments and messages
I really appreciate them

Alright, I think I've never tell you about myself... So here are some facts about me!

1: my name is aliyah
2: I'm from Mauritius island... If you don't know where it's found, google it
3: I'm 15... Inshallah I'll be 16 this year
5: my birthday is on 5 Oct
6: "From Hate To Love(FHTL)" is my first ever fanfic
7: I started writing FHTL when I was 14 years old
9: I'm don't know Urdu really well... That's y I've written 'translation plz' in some of your comments lol
10: I sleep a lot... Ask anyone who knows me really well in person, they'll tell u... Like I was like that since I was a baby lol... When I was a kid and we would play hide-and-seek, I would go and hid under the table and I would fall asleep and they'll find me sleeping lol.... And yes! My mom would put me in my push chair and feed me and when she'll go to keep the plate in the kitchen, I'd be already asleep when she'd come back lol!
There are so many stories like these, that I'd end up writing another book lol

Comment where r u from and how old r you! So I'll get to know you better like this
And hey we can definitely talk on social medias
Msg me if you wanna know my social media account🙊

Ok... So I'm not writing another story anytime soon
I do have a nice story in mind and IF I'll write it maybe I'll start in Nov... But am not sure

So IF I'll write it, do you prefer that I keep the same names (Exclude Shehryaar waqas atif and hussain)

If u want me to change the names
Give me some suggestions lol

And perhaps my next fanfic will be a Hussain Asif one!

Wow! It feels so great to write to you all lol

I wish I could start the next story but I really need to pay attention to my studies
And this year is a really important one for me and my parents are expecting a lot from me
Inshaallah when my final exams will end I'll probably write one

Cause u know this year is a really hectic one and after my exams I want to relax and I've got some plans
But still I'll try to write a story but I don't promise

Soooo see you all later!
Good bye
Take care
I Love You all
Stay blessed ❤️

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