"A bit, that's an under exaggeration."

                           I looked around the room in total admiration, the walls were a deep blue with yellow lining the windows also had a blue and yellow lining. On my left was a dresser with a vanity mirror, further down was a white door with blue lining similar to the two doors on my right. There was a massive bed with a canopy right in the middle of the room, it had silk light blue and white see-through cutins and gold lining on the frame, the bed had blue covers and white sheets. Something caught my eye and I looked up, there was a huge crest on the ceiling a blue pinetree inside a golden triangle. Bill scratched the back of his neck,

"Do you not like it?"

                          Without thinking I happily and excitedly bouncing a  little,

"Are you kidding me it's amazing!"

                           He smiled slightly, whispering under so softly that I almost didn't hear it,

"thank all evilness."

                           Even though I heard it I pretended I didn't, asking genuinely curious,

"Where do the doors go?"

"Oh, the one on the left is the bathroom, the one lower down on the right is the kitchen and the other is the library."

                            My eyes lit up and it hardly been a millisecond that I found out the door leading to a library when I dashed for it excitedly. Still holding Bill's hand I pulled him along behind me, pushing open the door I froze in astonishment. I couldn't believe my eyes, the room was huge and filled with countless books the was even a ladder to reach shelves that almost touched the ceiling. In the center of it, all was a work desk and a rather comfortable chair,

"Fucking hell, am I in even!"

                            I heard Bill chuckle behind me turning with a questioning gaze as if asking 'what',

"Pinetree, I don't think those words go in the same sentence and also don't curse, it's too cute."

                            He chuckled again and my cheeks heat up I looked away. That's when I realized I was still holding Bill's hand so I let go, he immediately stopped laughing and frowned a little but quickly hid it. What was that? I didn't have any time to think about it because he handed me a book saying,

"This book is filled with different spells, rituals, ciphers, and information on different demons and mythical creatures. I know you like that kind of stuff so read it or any other book in here while I'm gone, after all, it's yours."

                             I took the book and leaned in the desk as I flipped through the pages, not looking up from as I spoke,

"So where you goin'?"

"Got a meeting in 5 min. and Pyronica is driving me insane right now."

                             I nodded still fascinated by the book, suddenly he appeared behind me so instead of leaning on the desk I was leaning into him. I dropped the book in my hand when he wrapped his hands around my waist, not knowing what to do in this situation I stayed still my mind in a mess from panicking. I felt one of his hands move off my waist and wrap around my shoulders my breathing hitched. He turned my head towards him tilting it up so I was looking into his golden eye, it felt like time froze forever and just a few seconds at the same time. Bill looked like he was struggling a little,

"Pinetree... don't stay up too long."

                             As soon as he said that he disappeared teleporting away, sliding down the desk still in disbelief I dropped onto the floor on one knee. I couldn't see what my face I was making but I knew it was an embarrassed one. I ran my hand threw my hair still flustered a little, Did that really happen and why was my reaction like that? I actually fuckin expected him to do something and was disappointed, what hell did I want him to do exactly?

word count; 1234

next update; weeeeelllllllll school started back sooooo

jk jk, my update dates will be more vague as school opened back so expect 3 chapters per week 4 or 5 if I'm being generous. anyways the original author of the story had a really, like reeeaaalllyyyy quick jump into the love thing, I however like some development in my characters so I've been trying to work around it without straying too far from the original story let me tell you it's like trying to get your car over the tree that's blocking the road without moving the tree or going around it. 

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