Chapter 3

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Mabel POV.

"I hate you."

                       Was the last thing I told him, the bitter taste of the words lingered on my thong. How fucking stupid am I, how could I say that? I fell to my knees still watching out the open door he had run through. 

                        It's all my fault why did I have to say all that shit? Everything became so surreal all at once, my ears rang vision blurred no longer focus on anything around me. I pulled at my hair as tears silently streamed down my face. Banging the floor I let out a scream of anger and frustration beginning to bawl my eyes out.

                        I cried for five minutes straight shouting at my grunkels to not touch me when they tried to comfort me. My cries turning to gentile sobs as I wiped away my continuously flowing tears furiously. My crying abruptly stopped eyes widening in realization, what if dipper is hurt right now. What if something happens to him? Get up Mabel, Get the fuck up!

                        I scrambled to my feet dashing out the front door without warning. Behind me, I heard the calls of my grunkels as the ran after me. Ignoring them I sped up, as I was about to cross the barrier I felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything started to spin.

                        What's happening? Am I falling? No Mabel, get up! I collapsed onto the ground, everything spinning around me my eyelids feeling heavy. Don't close your eyes, you can't fall asleep. Something could happen to him don't close your eyes! 

                        But it was no use struggling and everything went dark.


3rdP POV.

                        Mabel had been banging on the door since she had woken up cries of desperation were herd coming from the room. Stan, Ford, and Pacifica stood outside the door Ford and Stand's arms folded a defeated look on their face. Ford rubbed the bride of his nose pushing up his glasses while he spoke,

"She won't listen to us at all she might listen to you, just try."

                        Pacifica nodded walking up to the door and knocking,

"Mabel its Pacifica, can I come in?"

                         The banging stopped and shuffling was heard. The blond waited 5 seconds extra before unlocking and entering the room closing the door behind her, which Stan immediately locked back. Mabel was standing in the middle of the room bandages on her left arm and right leg. She also had plasters under her left eye and on her knee, her hands red and knockers bruised. Sadness flashed over Pacifica's eyes,

"Pacifica, you have to tell them to let me out. I have to look for Dipper. I can't let anything happen to him, I have to apologize."

                         Pacific tried to soothe the frantic girl,

"Mabel you need to calm down for a second."

                          Mabel ignored the blond walking up to her and held her hand eyes pleading,

"Please, I have to find him, I can't lose him I don't hate, him I don't hate him I really don't. Please tell th-"

                           The blond had enough she shouted catching the other off guard,


                            Mabels shut her mouth clenching her jaw her whole body stiffening up. In a stern loud voice, Pacifica continued,

"What do you expect out of this?! Think for a second, How are you gonna help Dipper if your dead!!!"

                            Mabel's eyes widened as the girl in front of her went on,

"For fucks sake Stan had to board up the window because you jumped out of it as soon as you got up. Do you not care about anyone else feelings around you who care for your wellbeing? Do you know how I felt when I found you bleeding out on the ground glass in you?!!"

                            Everything was silent as the brunets grip on the others hand loosened. Pacifica brought one of her hands up to wipe away the forming tears. Taking a deep breath she continued she held onto Mabel's chin bring the dejected girl's face towards hers. Looking into her eyes voice confident and comforting,

"Dipper is smart, he's a resourceful nerd he won't get hurt. You on the other hand are a clumsy clutz you arent guaranteed to survive out there. If you really want to help your bother, stay-alive." 

                            Mabel looked defeated tears weld up in her eyes her knees giving way making Pacifica wrap her arms around her waist to hold her up. Mabel, in turn, slid her hand around Pacifica's neck pulling her closer and cried into her shoulder quietly repeating over and over silently 'I'm sorry I don't hate you I don't'. She stayed like that until her voice was hoarse and she had no more tears to cry, falling asleep in the blond girl's arms.

                              Lifting her up Pacifica placed her on the bed under the covers. Staring at the face of the sleeping girl she debated in her head until leaned down and she pushed back Mabels bangs kissing her forehead. She slowly straightened up again walking to the door unlocking it and closed it silently behind her leaving the other girl to get some well-needed sleep.

word count; 847

next update; September 7th

I was planning to do two updates today but school problems and medical problems came up so updates will be one update every day until there is a decent amount of chapters then it will be two updates every three days.

Anything to stay with you (billdip)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin