Chapter 21

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I couldn't feel anything at first. It was just nothingness. Eventually I began to feel again, but it wasn't good. Everything hurt, so much that I preferred the nothingness. I don't know how long it was before I could start hearing again. Was it hours? Days maybe? Weeks? Months?

'She's stable now, but comatose. Her previous injuries were worse than the accident. She's covered in infected cuts.' A voice said. It sounded familiar. 'No, I don't think that's a good idea Jane. She... she looks awful. That bastard tortured her for weeks. I don't think she'd want Hannah to see her like that.'

Who was that speaking? Why did they sound so familiar? Who was Jane? Who was Hannah? The familiarity of everything yet the confusion surrounding it all. It was like I had all the pieces to a puzzle but every piece was muddled up.

'I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?.' The voice said a while later.

'No thank you.' A different voice said in response. That voice was familiar too. But who was it? 'Oh Jenny... I'm so sorry this happened to you.' The voice paused. 'You deserve so much more. I wish you would let me be that for you.'

The voices faded away. I was so confused. What was happening? Why was everything so dark? Why can't I move? I longed for answers. Time passed, I had no idea how long. Sometimes it felt short, other times it felt like hours lasted for months.

'Please wake up soon Jenny.' A feminine voice said. 'We need you. Mum and dad. Hannah. Me. We just want to see your smile again.'

Nothingness consumed me again. It was a relief from the pain and confusion.

'Why is mummy sleeping?' A quiet voice asked.

'Because she's poorly.'

'Did Ken make her poorly? You said we would protect her like the avengers.'

'We will, Hannah. Starting now. Ken is gone now. He can't hurt either of you now.'

'When will she wake up?'

'Whenever her body decides it's ready. Healing takes lots of energy, so she needs to sleep until she's better.'

'I miss mummy, Troy. I miss her cuddles.'

'I'm sure she misses them too. Why don't you give her a hug now? Be gentle.'

For the first time, I felt something outside the nothingness and pain. I felt the hug and it filled me with warmth. Happiness.

Time passed. My awareness coming and going. I wished I could move. I wished I could open my eyes. I wished I could piece the puzzle together.

'... I know I promised Dad, but I don't love Laila. I can't marry her... you don't know the whole story... I care about Jenny... we'll find another way to make this deal work, but marrying someone else feels like I'm betraying and lying to both of them... are you serious Dad? Are you saying I don't have a choice in who I marry?... you signed that contract not me... things are different now... dad, please don't do this to me... I won't forgive you if you make me... yes! Of course I care about Laila but... dad... no, I won't... the wedding was supposed to be next week... you want it to go ahead when Jenny is lying here in a coma?...I know you don't care, but I do! You know what, I'm not having this argument over the phone. Meet at mine in half an hour.'

Confusion filled me. What was that about? Who was that talking? Why did it make me sad to hear his words?

'Mummy, please wake up now.' A soft voice pleaded. Hannah. 'Ken's not here anymore, he can't hurt us. You don't need to be scared anymore. You can wake up.'

Her words broke my heart. The puzzle pieces were finally coming back together, each day that passed, my understanding becoming more clear.

'The doctor says she's getting better every day, Hannah. Maybe she'll wake up soon.' It was my mum's voice.

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