Chapter 1: Let's Begin.

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"Welcome to The Defiant Few." ran across my television screen. I had just downloaded a game from Xbox Live Gold. Then a woman AI begins to speak with this really cool cinematic scene in the background. " we are the last of our race. We crashed here about two hours ago and everyone is scattered in other areas. We are on planet earth and the year is 2024. The world has been flooded and now is better but many continents are gone. We only have each other now. There are mutants and zombies and who knows what out there. That is why we have selected you and various others to go out and kill these beings and brings us samples to examine. Examines from the plants, ground, and bodies. You are our last hope, we're counting on you." My dad go ahead and try it out, so why not? I don't get much downtime with college but, I figured it's the weekend, why not try a new game? After playing the game for about a month for at least an.hour a day I decided to create a clan. Posted it on the forum board, and put it in chat. "Clan members needed for DeathBringers. All levels accept -foxxybiosh" Surprised I got a response from someone so quick. I checked my.messages and had received a request from a username: thekingofgames153

He sent me a message and said "I saw you started a clan, mind if I join?(: "

I quickly responded "no, let me send you a request!"

Day one starting my clan I had ten people join. I felt pretty accomplished! My dad had started a clan and one person joined, so I was doing good.

Anyways, I got in a voice chat with thekingofgames153 or his real name Tyler. We ended up getting in a party and he began to power level me. He's level 2400 and me well I'm level 769. Pathetic me. Haha. Ah well, I'll level up more. We talked about our favorite games and movies and music. He gave me this cute little nickname "little fox" we continued to Learn more about each other. He seemed pretty nice, he was 22. I'm 20 it was nice to play with someone close to my age everyone else is younger like 13-15. Soon I realized I was on for five hours. So I told Tyler I'd talk to.him tomorrow and smiled. I turned on my music then began to study. While I was studying I kept looking down at my controller and pondering if I should get back on or continue my studies. Hmm.... Decisions decisions......

--------------------------Author notes-----------
Hey guys... so this is my second story I've written. But my first one on wattpad. Please leave me some suggestions or comment on what the next chapter should be. Should Tyler and Luna meet? Or talk on Kik or snapchat????? What should happen guys??? I'm still new to this so give me some input.

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