3. Are You Serious

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Trying to get out of bed when tangled with Jakes limbs and sheets is very hard, I know from almost daily experiences and now is no different. I wiggle and squirm trying to get out without waking him , it is 4:30 and I want a long run before showing off to the new kid. But as usual I have no such luck getting out, I roll over and Jake's unconscious body refuses to let go of me, we end up on the floor, but he somehow broke my fall and landed first with a thud.

" A, I quite like this position but we have a run to get to, " He smiles at me.

It was already 6 by the time we got back to his house. I change and so does he; grabbing our boards, we leave. Zeak met us on the corner since we have to travel to main beach instead of the one behind Jake's backyard. "What do you think is the go with this kid?," Zeak asks us, " I mean he just shows up and pretty much insults us instantly.... He mustn't realise we run this town." He says in his best black American accent, Jake and I burst out laughing with agreements thrown in ever now and then.

Once we reach the beach it 6:45. The waves are perfect as expected and I run right into the surf. I've caught a few good waves and as we look onto shore we see the new kid holding a surfboard. I gesture for him to come out, when he reaches us he says, "So, How are you going to prove it was you I was talking about?" I scoff, I give Jake and Zeak my is he serious look and catch the wave that was coming. I was a perfect barrell and I ended it with a 360 turn. If Josh didnt realise that he was talking about me last night then he was an idiot. I paddle back out and stop next to Zeak and Jake. " So new kid you now realise that you were talking about Alexis?" " Wow you were serious." The boys nod in approval, he turns to Jake " man everything you said was true aswell as everything I heard.... since she not dating anyone I am so going there." He looks me up and down.

Jake flips him of his surfboard, " Are you serious? If you ever lay a finger on A, I will personally see that you never emerge from the water again. She is gorgeous, amazing , nice and just a perfect friend and will have alot if angry people to answer to if you ever hurt her." Zeak chooses now to join in, " Oh and bitch Ex has an older brother, who has very scary mates that would so anything for her too, you don't want to answer to them aswell as 5 of us who love this girl like a sister...." I love these boys and as Josh paddles back to shore I realise that Zeak only said five boys there are six of them that I am extremely close with. The rest are just people we surf or skate with. "Z, can you count, there are 6 of you guys and I hope you all love me ." " Ahh that where you are correct... there are six of us and we all love you but 1 does more than others and that is why he wasn't included in the 5." "I am sick of your cryptic-ness Z," as i paddle back to shore I can't help but want to know who he was talking about.

" Jake who was Zeak talking about today?" I ask while we are lying in bed before going to sleep. "Go to sleep A" " You know don't you? How many other people know."

" Just Geek, now goodnight A." We snuggled in together till I fell asleep.


Living at Jake's for the past 3 weeks has been great, I haven't seen mum considering the only times I go home are to get more things and when I know she won't be there. Unlocking my phone I find a text from Zack, my big brother.

Hey Alex,
The guys n I are coming back 4 a while
Will b there tonite
Call u later
♡ ur fav bro

Great just great, zack will be back stirring up trouble. 12 boys and 1 girl in a big group, surfing, skating and making trouble. Zack doesn't get along with mum either but he does get along with Jake... growing up it was Jake, me, zack and Jai, causing trouble and having fun. Jai is Zack's best friend they have been through thick and thin, nothing can tear them apart not even me. Jake and I are just as close, we have all been friends forever, our dads were friends but our mums didn't really get along thank god. I tell jake everything except what happened with Jai barely 2 years ago, Jake would want to kill him for ' trying to take my innocents' so would Zack... Its not like we had sex, it was just a very heavy makeout session against a tree, that lead to us being half naked. So when Mitch found us he punched Jai in the face and told him to never touch me again and in my defense I was very drunk.

" Why don't you look hot, A" Jake sneaks up behind me . Looking down on my cut off demin shorts and cropped singlet I completely disagree. " Ah why aren't you a delusional one today." I retort sassily as always. "Well since Zack and the boys are back today we are throwing another beach partay baby,"
I get ready, throwing on a light blue bikini, ripped denim shorts and a white croped halter neck. Chucking my hair in a high ponytail, I walked down Jakes long backyard onto the beach. Everything was already set up and mine and Zacks boys were sitting around the unlit bonfire. Zack, Jake and Jai were further down the beach sitting , walking over to them I sit in Jakes lap. " Hope you boys haven't been corrupting my bestfriend," Zack just laughs and pulls me away from Jake for a long hug, apon letting me go he asks " So, I've been informed that you are no longer living with mum, hope you two are being good whilst sleeping in the same room... are you?" Oh god here comes his overprotective brother speech, Jake answers for me "Zack we dont have sex in my bed." I am mortified at that statement and I can sense the awkwardness in the air.

I love my brother but no, that was too far. Jai is staring at me and it is really making me uncomfortable, I snuggle into jake trying to get away from his hard stare. "So are you two like together now?" Jai questions, seriously he can't think that. " Nah man just best friends like aways," jake sighs. Jai's whole demeanor changed, he was now looking at me as if he still had a chance. I wouldn't go there again, I felt nothing no sparks or any of that cliché stuff.

" I am going to get a drink you boys want some?" I asked getting up. upon returning to them with four bottles in my hand, they looked like they were in a serious conversation, I heard jake say " I know man shes my world." Who were they talking about. A figure walked up the beach when he got closer I realised it was Josh, Jai got up to greet him. " Guys this is Josh my cousin", " We are familiar with each other," I say with distaste. "Yeah shes the hot sufer chick I was telling you about...... id so tap that." I burst out laughing Zack's face was priceless he was glaring so hard at josh, so was jake but what suprised me was Jai's reaction , he looked ready to punch out his cousin. " You are not only in the presence of me but the three guys I have known my whole life, and incase you haven't noticed they all look ready to beat the shit out of you." I paused, "you have already met Jake, but meet Zack Tide, my brother. And your lovely cousin there is his bestfriend." Josh gulped and took a few steps away from the glaring guys. " uhm nice to meet you" . Ah poor kid.

Lying in Jakes bed in just one of his shirts and underwear, when he walks out of the bathroom in just a towel slung around his hips. My bestfriend is hot. I watch him put on shorts as his muscles ripple. I really shouldn't be thinking about him like this. I look away when my phone buzzes from a text from Zack.
You and me
tomorrow main beach
♡ the better sibling

He is an idiot but hes my only blood. I snuggle into jake ready to sleep but he has other ideas.

"A, What is the go with you and Jai?" He asks almost in a vulnerable way. "I mean he was close with all of us. Then all of a sudden mitch hates him and he stays at a distance from us. Then today he was glaring at us when Zack was talking about your living arrangements. He was staring at you hard. And he got pissed when I was saying how much-" he caught him self, "when Jai was saying he'd tap you." Fuck I can't lie to Jake. After moments that seemed like hours I talked. I told him of the party and mitch, just everything . To say he was pissed was a big understatement. I had to talk him out of murdering Jai.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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