2- As If

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"A, I want to sleep not surf. Please let me sleep." Jake  pleads with me . It's friday now and I have only gone home  once since my argument with mum on sunday and that was to get notes for biology. We are lying on Jake's bed and im trying to convince him to come for a surf before the party tonight.

He wraps his arm around my bikini clad body and squashes me to him. "Fine, but you have to get me drinks tonight." "Sure..... just let me sleep." A slight snore come from his mouth and now im trapped against his chest , may aswell just sleep.

"A, hurry up. Please." Im trying to change and Jake keeps interupting me. One last look in the mirror and im satisfied with my ripped demin shorts, cropped santa cruz singlet with my bikini underneath and  black skate shoes. My long white blond hair touching my bum in its natural dead straight form and light makeup. Opening the door Jake tumbles through and lands ontop of me on the hardwood floors. "Now this is a compromising position my lovely A." Jake laughs and I cant help but join in.  "Lets go Hot stuff." I say to Jake, This is going to be a good night.

" Ex, Jakey boy what took you so long." Is the greeting we are getting from Zeak, one of our closest friends. " Long time no see Geek." Jake greets him. I move to hug him,

" How's cruella deville babe." Zeak whispers in my ear, talking about my mum. "Where's the rest of the boys, Z." I ask him. Before he can answer I hear a chorus of voices shouting at Jake and me. Turning to see the guys walking up the beach, pushing through heaps of people, shirtless, looking like gods and by the way people are drooling you would think they are. Yes all my friends are hot and of the male species.  Jake with with his 6.2 frame, sun bleached shaggy hair, dark tan skin, blue eyes and muscles to die for. Zeak commonly known as geek is 6 foot 1, medium brown hair with natural highlights that is always perfectly styled, natural tan skin, hes not as muscly as Jake and dreamy brown eyes. Mitch is like an older brother, he is overly protective of me, well more than the other guys, I go to him for anything. He is 6.4, has short light brown hair, blue eyes and is the most muscly out of my friends. Koby, Luke and Dean, are triplets. they are 6 foot with blond hair and blue eyes, Koby as a tatoo of a shark covering his back, Luke has a shipwreck on his chest and Dean has a surfboard floating on flat water on his hip. We hang out with other guys but im not close with them . All my closest friend have a matching tattoo, an outline of 3 waves. Mine is on the out side of my left hand . I have another tattoo in my left wrist a black and white fig tree.

Being bombarded with hugs might be nice for some people, but when the people bombarding are 4, 90kg heavily muscled 17 and 18 year old boys. " lexi," "Alex," "Alexi," "Lex",  "Mitch, Koby,Luke , Dean, my boys, get the fuck off me." They did just that, but as soon as they were off me Jake's arm wrapped around my waist, no one payed any attention to it , it was normal.

"Did you here about the new guy , " Koby said . His reply were a grumble of yes's from the guys while I stood there confused.

"What new guy?"

"Some new kid ,surfs apparently." The subject was dropped as I saw a boy walk past us that I didn't know , "Hey you." I yell at him, as he turns around I see tan skin gorgeous eyes , drool worthy smile and abs , good thing im immune to all things guys have to offer. "Yeah," he replied

"You the new kid?"

"That would be me , the names Josh."

"Well Josh, I am Alexis and these are my friends zeak , Mitch, Koby, Luke and Dean and my best friend Jake."

"With benefits?" He questions

"Ha ha no ." I said to him with a straight face,

"Well I was on my way over to talk to those girls so seya." I look where he was pointing and frowned .

"No you're not ," me ,the triplets and zeak  said at the same time.


"That is my little sister and theirs so I wouldn't if I were you," zeak spoke up.

" and you don't want to answer to these 4 and me," I ground out.

He actually laughed at me, god this boy doesnt know what I am capable of.

"There's actually a girl I have been told about , I was hoping to meet today , amazing surfer, body like a goddess , hair of liquid gold , has heaps of nicknames , um whats her surfing one?" The guys and I burst out laughing. Sure I wasn't ugly but that was extreme, im 6.1 blue eyes, tan skin, I have a slight six pack and I am not disappointing in the boob department, but body of a goddess, hair of liquid gold? I don't think so. One thing I can agree with though is the surfing bit .

Jake pipes up,

" The name she uses when surfing is Lexis, her real name is Alexia, her nicknames from her best friends are A, Alex, Alexi, lex , lexi and Ex. And every other thing you said about her was true, that long blond hair, the tall, tan, muscled body, blue eyes more beautiful than the ocean, her tatoos that mean the world to all of us and she could kill you if she wanted, hurt someone she cares about and she won't hold back, I just described a girl who likes to formally introduce herself as Alexis and is my bestfriend." The boys all choroused yes's and thats our girl . As we watched Josh's face for his brain to click.

"As if " is all he said

"Dont beleive us then I will be here at 7 tomorrow morning, if you want proof you will be here too." I just walked away with the boys following me. What an obnoxious jerk, but I cant help but think of all the nice words Jake spoke of me . It left me with an unknown feeling in my stomach.

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