Chapter One

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This is my first fanfiction so please be kind!
I don't own any of the characters besides Flora and Felix Wright. I'm going to go with my own storyline but also using plots and events from the original story!
I hope you will like it :)

"Flora! It's time to wake up" Someone is shaking me and I open my eyes in an instant. Sleep is pretty much everything I want right now and I do not appreciate being disturbed.
My brother, Felix, is standing in front of me and laughing.
"Hmm I can let you go back to London if you want instead" he says and I notice that the train has stopped. I gather my thought and remembers that we are on our way back to school. Summer break did not treat me well and it feels like a big joke being back this soon.

"Come on now! Otherwise we have to walk all the way to the castle" Felix is getting pretty annoyed and is dragging me by my arm out of the train.  I look around just to notice my best friends getting of. I run over to them, leaving Felix with all my stuff.
"Hermione!" I scream as I run into her arms.
Harry and Ron is taking a few steps back when they notice me. I ignore them and gets back to hugging Hermione.
"I've missed you so much" she tells me with a sad look in her eyes. I smile at her.
"I've missed you to" it's been a while since we talked but she's well aware what occurred during the summer.
She takes my arm and we walk in the direction I came from, leaving Harry and Ron by themself.
Felix eyes widens when he sees who I brought back.
"Oh hey!" He says to her and smiles politely.
"Hey Felix, nice to see you" I notice how he's blushing when she says his name. If Hermione only knew how he couldn't shut up about her.
Felix snaps out of his trance and starts to gather his things.
"Come on, we can't be late to the sorting"
We are back at our table in the great hall of Hogwarts. The gryffindor table is filled with familiar faces and I smile at everyone.

"Have you seen Blaise?" Hermione asks me and I directly turn my eyes over to the Slytherin table. Blaise is sitting among his friends at the table, laughing as nothing in the world bothered him. He's not even looking for me.. I shake it off and smile at Hermione.
"I don't reckon I should be looking for him at all. After all he dumped me, remember?"
"He's an ass and you know it" she says and takes my hand.
"Don't let him ruin this year, okay?" I nod. Why am I even bothered? Hermione is completely right and I will not let him ruin anything else for me. That ends today!

The sorting is over and now it's time for Dumbledore's speech.
"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our feast I would like to say a couple words. I expect all of you to know our rules by now. I want to see you all succeed and this year I need you all to be careful and follow the rules strictly."
He goes on but it seems like I can't focus at all.

"Now let the feast begin!"

I get back to reality just in time for Harry and Ron to joining us at the table.
It has been kind of tense between us since last year when I got together with Blaise. He is after all in Slytherin and they were not happy when they found out I was sleeping with the enemy. Not exactly sleeping but you get what I mean.

"Where's Zabini?" I hear Harry snort as soon as he sits down.
"Shut up, will you?" Hermione snaps at him.
I give him a death glare. I turn my head just to find Ron with a smirk on his face.
I calm my urge wanting to kick him under the table.
"Not that it's any of your business but there's no me and Zabini anymore"
"What?" Ron chokes on his food. His coughing is disgusting and the urge to kick him is back.
"Can't you chew your food properly? Are you 5 years old?" Hermione snaps once again.
"I'm sorry Flora, we didn't know. Are you okay?" Harry looks directly at me.
"Of course I'm okay. He's an ass anyway" Deep down I know it's true but sometimes the heart can't accept what the brain already knows.

I smile at Harry. I need my friends more than ever now that Blaise and his friends are around.
Ron has stopped coughing and looks at me with compassion. I begin to laugh at his pity face. Hermione joins in and soon we are all laughing. It's been a while since we all hung out together but I'm really thankful for them.

The four of us is just starting to head back to our dormitories when I hear someone saying my name. I turn around just to see Blaise and Goyle laughing.
"Hey Flora! I heard you were pretty good in bed. Would you like to do me next?" Goyles ugly voice is echoing in the hallway. I catch Blaise's eyes but he quickly looks away. I feel my heart breaking all over again and the tears burning.
"Oh shut up Goyle!" I hear Hermione yell.
I storm away from my group of friends.
The tears in my eyes are making my vision blurry and without knowing where my feet is heading, I bump in to someone.
"Watch were you're going!" I blink away the tears and look up, just to meet the eyes of the devil himself. Draco Malfoy.
His grey eyes are full of rage.
I force myself to say a quick "sorry" before I keep going.
The first night here and I have already been harassed by Blaise's two companions. Great!

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