"Computers? No, never heard of it." - "Well they are awesome, you can play games on it and do things for school. It is needed in everyday life, without one you can't do many things."

"They sure seem interesting, but you will have to do without those for a while, well here we are. This is my home"

I look up and see a small home. Just a little hobbit like hole. He opens the door and walks in. I stand still and look at the surroundings. It looks like it is at the end of the town. There is a big forest behind his house, it looks kinda dark. Maybe even evil.

Then I walked in.. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything was so big! The room was filled with all kinds of structures and jars and pots! It looked so amazing! 

"Welcome to my house, for now you will live here. I'll show you to your room"

"Wait, who said I would live with you? I don't even know you."

"I don't think you have a choice. Or do you already have a room somewhere else?"

"No... but I can find one. I can stay at the inn i was at this morning."

"Sorry to tell you, but the money you have isn't enough to rent a room. You only have enough to pay for 1 meal."

"You are right.. the house seems fine. And you are not as scary as i though. I will give it a shot."

"Good good" he said with a smile. We walked trough the long hallway, it had lots of doors. That something so small from the outside could look so big on the inside. He stopped at a big red door.

"Here is your room, go look. And if you are ready you can come back to the main room. But do not touch anything on the way!"

"I promise. Oh.. and thank you"

"Haha, no problem young one. No go and take a look. I think you will like what you see in there."

I still didn't know anything about where i was.. But I am more worried about grandmother. I would have gone to visit her today. What if they can not find me? Will everyone alert the police and search for me? It would be a waste of time and a useless action. Well for now lets worry about getting out of this world or whatever it is.

I walk into my room and notice how big it is. It is gigantic! There is a big bed in the middle and lots of closets and shelves. There is something next to my bed that looks like an armour stand. it has a big black robe on it with what it looks like flames on it. It looks kind of cool. I try it on and it is way too big.

"Huh.. what's happening?" The robe suddenly starts to move and it began to shrink! And it stopped.. then i took another look to my feet and saw it got much smaller. It took form my to size! "Wow this is awesome!"

Then i sat on the edge of my bed to let it all sink in.. so weird things happened in so small time. Voices, floating lights, shrinking robes and houses that are bigger on the inside.

I take a good look around my room. All the shelves and o are empty. My room also feels empty. Like it needs to be filled. And to my sudden notice i see that even here there are no lamps. I look to the roof and see the nitor floating above my head again.

What is this magic stuff? 

And suddenly I remember. When i went to sleep I wished for something.. but what was it? Think.. think...

I know! A world full of magic! Is that what happened? Did someone take me and put me here? Wait... They say that the Arisco Comet makes wishes come true. Now I am pretty sure that is what happened.

Does that mean that magic also exists in my world? But no one knows about it? I feel like I have spend enough time here. As soon as I went to open my door i saw something in the corner of my eye. 

It is on the smallest shelf. A wand with iron caps. There is a note besides it.

"Take this and come to see me"

It must be from the wizard. I take the wand in my hand and i start to shiver, it's a strange feeling which makes me get goosebumps. But it also feels good. I feel strong.

I walk down the hallway and open the door to the main room. The wizard is standing above one of the many cauldrons.

"Ah there you are, I was wondering when you would come."

"Tell me, what is happening. What am I doing here?!" I shouted.

"Ho ho, you don't have to yell. I am not deaf you know. Everything will explain itself. Just be patient young man."

"My name is Mart you know. And hat are all these structures and stuff inside the jars? What is that floating object? Is this all Magic?"

"Mart, this is where your adventure will begin" "Welcome to the world of Thaumaturgy!"

 Thank you for reading my 3th chapter of my story :D. As you can notice my grammar and english aren't perfect. I am still working on improving it but as a Dutch person it is kind of hard to notice the little mistakes. If you felt it was good and vote worthy feel free to leave a vote and a comment :D I would really apreciate it. If you want to get updates about my new posts follow me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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