"Disgusting. You said this was Norwegian?" The girl gagged sticking out her tongue.

She couldn't help it. A squeak escaped Nel's lips. She laughed a little. "You'd say it tastes kind of swampy right?" She said holding on to her tea cup yet not drinking it.

It was then that the four other students realized.

They went mute for a second and a loud croak shattered the silence in the compartment. Their wide eyes all zoomed into the porcelain tea pot. Whatever was inside croaked once again before leaping out of the pot escaping. The blonde dropped the teacup making it shatter on the floor. He gagged reaching for his throat dramatically acting as if he'd been poisoned. The girl that was sitting across from him did the same and instead sprayed out a fountain of toad tea which wet the blonde boy in front of her. She looked horrified, turning a bright shade of scarlet.

The other boys looked nauseous as if they were going to be sick.

Nel lost her cool bursting out in a loud laugh before running out of the room. She wasn't going to stick and find out just what they had planned for her. Her feet loudly stomped down the corridor as she successfully evaded capture. Thankfully the service cart being inside of the compartment slowed them down in their chase.

She ran inside of a compartment and pressed up against the blind spot next to the door's window heaving, her heart racing from the excitement of the chase. Turning to face the people in the compartment she noticed Harry and that red-headed boy they had met earlier. What was his name again, Ron?

"Oh, there you are Harry," she said in a casual airy tone.

She could hear the footsteps of those other kids stomping down the hallway as they looked for her.

"What did you do?" Harry asked with a shocked expression.

It was then that the compartment door slid open. Nel pressed so hard against the wall behind her she could've morphed into it. The girl that had been in the compartment with them stuck her head in and asked if they had seen the culprit. Both Ron and Harry's eyes glued themselves to the culprit who was holding a finger to her lips pleading for both of them to be silent.

The girl left fuming. Laughing loudly Nel plopped down on a seat next to Harry.

"What did you do?" He repeated.

"Somebody pissed me off. So, I went out of my way to make their day," she laughed evilly.

"Who?" Asked Ron curious.

"Dunno," Nel shrugged without mind. It was then that she stretched out her hand across the compartment to Ron.

"Nel Saintday," she smiled brightly. "Pleasure."

Ron's rat squeaked.

The children looked down to see a fat, gray rat which was sitting on Ron's lap.

"Mind Scabbers, he doesn't do anything and is practically useless. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a prefect, but they couldn't aff - I mean, I got Scabbers instead." Ron's ears went pink in embarrassment.

Harry shrugged. "The Dursleys never gave me a proper present either." Harry smiled.

"Same," Nel said sincerely. "Best gift I ever got was an ash tray, and I don't even smoke," she snorted jokingly making both Harry and Ron laugh.

Ron smiled feeling better already.

Moments later a woman complaining someone had stolen one of the trolleys from the front walked in making the girl turn red as she attempted to stiffen her laughter. The woman brought in a trolley filled with a lot full of candy which made the mouth of the children water. Suddenly the girl was regretting giving her lemon biscuits to those toad tea pricks. Ron and Nel would've never said it but both looked at the candy with longing. To their surprise Harry bought the whole thing.

To Be So LonelyWhere stories live. Discover now