Chapter 8

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Loki and Thor left the room, they did not want to but Sibyl told them too. She wanted to be alone, after what happened with her parents she does not have the strength to see anyone. She does not know what she is feeling, she feels anger, betrayal, numbness, and most of all she feels vengeful. She looks around her room and sees pictures of her parents and her together.

She gets up from the ground and slowly walks over to where the pictures are at. She takes one of the frames in her hands and looks over at the picture. This was taken before she got taken before her own parents sent her away to Hydra. Anger, that is all she felt right now, anger and numbness. She does not feel any other emotion. She takes the frame and smashes it to the ground, glass everywhere on the floor.

She does not want to see their faces, if she did she will have them killed with no remorse. Her eyes flash their bright blue as she looks at the other pictures in her room. She takes them all and smashes them to the ground. No screaming no yelling, she just breaks the pictures as if they are nothing to her. Thankfully she is wearing her shoes so no glass can hurt her, but even after breaking the frames, the pictures are just laying on the floor.

She grabs them, the pictures, and walks out of her room straight to the kitchen. She thinks no one is there which she is glad about, she grabs a pair of scissors and starts cutting the pictures up in pieces. She wants nothing to do with them. She is almost glad that she was taken by Hydra because without them she will not have had the power to kill the people who betrayed her. 

"Sibyl what are you doing," a voice says from behind her. She turns around and sees Bucky their, she rolls her eyes and throws the cut-up pictures away. "I'm surprised you want to talk to an ex-Hydra asset," she says sarcastically before walking out the kitchen she bumps her shoulder with his.

Quickly he uses his metal hand to grab hers to stop her, making her face him. "Listen about what I said, I need to apologize, I should not have said that to you," he says softly to her looking into her bright blue eyes. He can almost feel the anger radiating off of her. "I was just worried that since you were with Hydra, I thought you were going to report me to them," he finishes telling her letting go of her arm. She sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

"Bucky, I would not do that to you because then I would be taken by them again," she says to him before walking back into the kitchen and sits on a chair. Bucky follows her and sits down next to her facing her. "What did they do to you?" He asks her softly. She looks at him and takes a deep breath "they gave me the soldier serum," she starts off, Bucky notices that her eyes turn back to their natural green color.

"I don't know if you heard, but my so called parents basically gave me away to Hydra, I'm pretty sure they told Hydra who I actually was," she mumbles feeling her anger coming back. "After the serum that they gave me, I started to feel different, not a good different either. They did not have to shock me to keep me focused or in check, I was already killing without remorse. Every assignment of mine was successful." she breaths deeply looking down at her lap.

Bucky automatically grabs her hand interlocking their fingers, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "After their Winter Soldier escaped, they took their anger out on me, for days I would be beaten and they would force me to kill people who were innocent, at one point they finally made me shut off my emotions," 

Bucky looks at her with wide eyes already opening his mouth to apologize, but she stops him. "It's not your fault if I had the chance to escape I would, Fury did not find me until a year after you were gone, he found me covered in blood and dirt, the blood was not mine," she whispers.

"Without anyone noticing my plans, I killed the Hydra agents that were forcing me to kill, just in time for Fury to come." she finishes and looks at him to see if he was scared or looking at her in disgust. Instead, Bucky looked at her with a surprised look on his face. "I know you do not want me to apologize, but I just want to tell you how sorry I am that you had to go through that," he tells her softly giving her hand squeeze.

She looks at him with a small smile giving him a slight nod. She rests her free hand on top of his and leans towards him giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. Without any of them knowing, by the doorway there stood Steve with a smile on his face. 

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