Chapter 2

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After getting to the Stark Tower, and Tony showing her where her room is, Sibyl has been in her room since. She has been rearranging her room the way she wanted it to be, Tony said she can. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail, she is wearing a tank top with a sports bra and some running shorts. She may be strong and very fit, but she still sweats like a normal human being. She moved her whole bed to the other side of her room, and she also moved her countertop towards a different direction than it was.

    There was a knock on the door and Sibyl was to busy caring boxes to just open the door. "Come in, and don't trip I still have not fixed anything," She says as she sets the box on her bed and pulls everything out. The door opens and walks in Steve and a longer-haired man "Sibyl this is James but we call him Bucky" Steve says smiling softly. "Do you always introduce him or does he talk?" she asks as she still has not looked up from grabbing things.

Both men have a shocked expression on their faces when she gave the attitude to the "u-um yea he talks I just um" steve starts to stumble with his words. Sibyl chuckles before looking up at him having a small smile on her face. "Steve it's okay I was just joking," she says walking up to them her hand already out "I'm sure Tony already pulled up my file about me and read it to you guys, but I'm Sibyl," she says and shakes Bucky's hand.

    "Nice to meet you" Bucky mumbles shifting his eyes to the ground having a small blush on his cheeks. "How did you know Tony pulled up your file," Steve asks shocked that somehow she knew what the other avenger did. "Its common sense actually," she says walking back picking up another box to unload.

"I mean I would also if someone who was captured by Hydra and then is one of the most experienced members of Sheild is living in the same roof as me, I would want to know about them," she says opening the box and shaking her head frowning a bit

    "Wait, you were with Hydra," Bucky says frowning looking at the girl in front of him slowly getting angry. "No I was not with Hydra, I was forced to be," she growls looking up her eyes flashing the bright blue color quickly. "You do not know my story, so do not assume anything," she says angrily.

The electricity in her body is slowly appearing, and running up and down her body. She starts breathing heavily as her hair starts changing to more of a blue and white color. She grabs on the box that is on her bed and as she grabs it, the box is crumbled beneath her. "I suggest you two leave my room right now," she says in a low voice as she is looking down not giving a glance.

"Sibyl calm down bucky didn't mean that to offend you, I'm sure," Steve says worriedly watching the women in front of him as fear consumes him just by a little bit. "I said LEAVE!" she barks finally looking up her eyes being a bright blue color, and a bolt of electricity shoots right behind them scaring the two grown men. Both Steve and Bucky leave the room closing the door letting out a breath that they didn't know that they were holding.

Steve looks a bucky wide eyes before wacking him behind his head. "You're such a dumbass," he says shaking his head before walking away. "I suggest you apologize to her bucky because she has been through a lot just like you" Steve finally says before disappearing from the hallway.

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