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" Masky this is real life." I tried to stop laughing but he shrugged and walked on 'time to find the Lost Silver dude'

~your pov~

" Masky you have a description correct?" I spoke," (y/n) no need to speak proper English I'm not Slender." I cleared my throat." what ever do you know what he look like or nah." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand and headed towards the cave." Since we're in a game I'll summon there most powerful weapon for safety but I'm not sure if it would even work so I'll keep my ray gun on me ok?" Masky stared at me like I was crazy.

-leh time skip since I'm not wiring bout a cave and it was kinda based in a dream I had-

As we walked not a single soul was here no warmth." (y/n) are you sure this is the way I think w-" I put a hung over his mouth and pulled him into a corner. I motion not to make a sound and pushed him to the cave wall with my but and look around the corner to noticed a lot of unknowns circling a boy with no legs and arms wearing white clothes covered in blood and crying. 'What can I do what can I do'

~Masky pov~

I almost was going to attack who pulled me to the wall but then I noticed that it was (y/n) I calmed down until she pushed me against the wall with her behind. I pinched my nose to keep it from bleeding all over the place. " I found who were looking for." she spoke but pushed me into the wall more and is making it harder to keep my instincts kick in.' please move (y/n)'

~your pov~

I walk around the corner and dlowy walked closer to the boy 'he looks familiar why' I kept walking till I kicked a rock which made him look at me." You are Lost Silver correct? We were sent to get to ask if you want to join the Creepypasta crew." Masky came around the corner and nodded." And if you come with us now we will answer all your questions." I spoke again while smiling.

"My name is (y/n) and this is Masky were Creepypasta, and Masky here is Slenderman's proxy but me I do it for the money that he pays me." I grinned and put and arm around Masky's neck and pulled him down while smiling.

After a long silence I let Masky go and started to stop smiling."you don't have to go if you don't want to and if we don't we have to warn you about hunters who WILL kill you if they find out that your a Creepypasta." My face just went back to its frowning state." D-do y-you know m-m-my n-name (y/n), do you remember who I really am, like before I became a Creepypasta?"

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