Why Ben

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Ben's point of view*

I walked into (Y/n)'s room. Her sleeping body laid there completely still. I chuckled to myself as I picked up her body out of the bed and dragged her to...

~Time skip~
I strapped her to the chair and slapped her really hard. She snapped awake and looked at me.

Your point of view*

I looked at Ben who wore a sinister grin on his face. "Hehe~, I so badly loved you but you went to the little game and fell in love with another man, it hurt me so much when you told me you liked him." He picked up a knife and slashed my wrist, arms, and legs. I tried to scream but a piece a duck tape stopped me. I started to cry, "Aww, don't cry, it makes you look weak." My eyes widen when he made me lay down and with a scalpel in his hand.

"You took my heart, now I'm going to take yours~." He spoke with pure hatred. I kicked and kicked it was no use, I'm going to be hopelessly killed bye my best friend. I cried again not even moving anymore. I gave up. The pain didn't affect me anymore. He cut my chest open to start the torture.

•Jeff's Point of view•

I walked down the halls towards the basement. I heard muffled screams come from the lower level. I walked down the steps and opened the door, I saw something I shouldn't have. (Y/n) laid there like hope was all lost, she didn't move, like me! I need to do something! I took a scalpel from the table beside me and threw it at Ben's hand. The scalpel went straight through his hand but he didn't flinch nor did he even cared about it. I ran up to him and punched him square in the face.

Blood fell from his nose, "Jeff y-you hit me." He pinched his nose to stop the bleeding. Instead of fighting back he smirked and flowed into the computer beside him.

I ran up to (Y/n) and picked her up then ran to Eyeless Jack. The halls were empty not a single noise was made. I ran and ran to his room, sadly it was on the other side of the mansion. (Y/n)'s Skin was getting more and more pale by the second.

When we made it I pound on his door to wake him up. "What do you w-" he stopped and looked at (Y/n), "put her on my bed now!" He ran to his closet and got many supplies. "Go inform Slender on what happened, I'll take care of this."

Eyeless Jack's point of view。

'I stopped the bleeding but I need to reattach some of her organs and this will take quite a while. I slowly moved my hand attaching the organs stitch by stitch. Slowly, the clocked ticking second by second. If I don't hurry I will killer her by blood loss. One stitch left.' My mind kept racing but I did it she'll live.

I walked out in the hall and noticed every one there. I smirked under my mask, "She did wonderfully, she'll just need time to rest that is all." I looked around and noticed Lost Silver, he was about to cry. Masky rubbed his back to calm him down. This when well, now we need just to get the person who did it, who was it?

A/N: The chapters will be short since I don't have a lot of time on my hand but I'll try, bye! ~scp_053

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