PAPPARAZZI ryland storms 🪐(1)

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  Y/n and Addison just came back from BOA steakhouse after answering what seems like hundreds of questions for paparazzi; "are you and Ryland dating" "what's going on with you and Ryland storms" they would ask non stop.

Y/n walked up the stars into her and Rylands shared room tired from being out all day with Addison.

"Hey baby" Ryland says smiling while playing COD on his PlayStation with his friends.

"Hi ry"you muttered as you take off your shoes and start to get changing into your pjs

"What's wrong you seem- damn" he stopped as he turned around seeing you only in a bra and panties

You smile and throw your shirt you just took off at his face "stop" as you giggle.

You finish getting dressed and walk over to Ryland zoned out playing video games, you climb onto his lap and rest your head on his  shoulder.

"Hey what's wrong" he says as he rubs your back while playing the game

"Nothing just all the paparazzi I'm not used to it and they would not stop asking if we're together, but I just want to keep my relationship off social media for now so it doesn't get ruined."

"Hey it's okay you can tell them when your ready he tells you as he kisses your forehead.

"I love you Ryland"

I love you too bebe.

First story how did I do?
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