First time

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Elliot's POV



   All week between me and liv has been pure discomfort it had come to the point in which she wasn't even talking to me about our cases she figured everything out for herself. Distant. She was more distant than she had ever been. Everyday this week all I've felt is pure heartbreak which is what I deserve. I'm going to make it up to her though. I'm going to call out of work today so I can make things special. still have a spare key from I was going to her apartment to pick up her clothes. I've decided to surprise her with roses dinner and candles all over her apartment. What I did was incredibly stupid flirting with another woman because I was jealous, I didn't have any real interest in the waiter but she was there when liv seemed unavailable I know it's not an excuse but I just hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me. If I lose her I don't know what I'll do. What she said to me when I came by her house after the dinner really hurt me. I was supposed to be the guy who never hurt her but here I am. God I really hope tonight goes well and we make it past this.


Olivia's POV

At the precinct


  Elliot didn't show up to work today which I have no problem with because all week has been terrible. I'm soon off the clock which is good I don't know what I'm going to do tonight but I know I don't want to be alone. As I'm finishing up my DD5s I turn my head to see Cassidy is here. I stand up walk to him we hug and I say "Hey Cassidy what are you doing here" before he could answer an interrupting Cragen, Munch and Finn was there. Cragen said "Ah Cassidy how have you been and what are you doing here?" Cassidy responds saying "I have been good and I'm here because I wanted to see liv I just kind of missed her" I stand their silent but with a smile on my face and munch says "Good thing Elliot isn't here boy would he hate to see this" I'm annoyed but Finn handles it. Finn gives him a light slap on the shoulder and says "Don't you ever get tired of speaking" Munch replies with his usual snarky attitude saying "sadly Finn I do not." Brian than says "actually liv can I talk to you in private for a couple minutes" I nod my head in agreement we walk over to the coffee station and he says "So liv I was wondering and feel free to decline but I was wondering if you'd like to get drinks tonight at that bar that's not to far from your apartment it's not a romantic gesture I'd just really like to catch up with you really." I think about it and say "Of course I would like that but do you if before that I head home and change my clothes? I'd really rather not be in my work outfit" He let's out a small chuckle before saying "Of course so I guess we will just meet each other there." I nod with a smile and he says "well until then I'm going to head home. Bye Liv" he hugs me and I say "by Cassidy." I sit down and finish up my DD5s and within the next hour I get home. I reach in front of my apartment door and see a bouquet of roses like the ones el got me when I was going through some things. There is a card and it's says "Forgive Me" no named is signed but I know it's from el. I don't pay much attention to it because a bouquet of flowers doesn't change what happened. I get my keys and open the door to my apartment. I walk to see the lights are dim candles are lit and there are roses peddles laid beautifully on the ground. I take off my coat and bag and head to the kitchen and I see Elliot standing In the kitchen as if he was waiting for me. I stand there in shock not knowing what to say, he walks up to me do that we are only inches apart from one another he takes both my hands inside his and says "Liv what I did to you that Saturday night was horrible and I'm going to do everything in my power to make you forgive me. I disrespected you and I hurt you. That's not something I ever wanted to do." He still has our hands intertwined and he leads me to the couch and we sit he continues to speak. "I love you liv and I had no interest in that waiter I did something stupid because I was feeling jealous feeling like you had no time for me and I'm sorry it was stupid and childish. The part is I hurt you and that hurts me more than anything." I still haven't uttered a word. He moves closer to me and puts his hand on my cheek we are so close that our lips graze one another. I feel myself giving in but then I say "El, I want to forgive you I really do but we keep facing these terrible obstacles and we both end up being hurt. I don't know how I can get over that situation. Maybe it's best we aren't together at all. Maybe you should go."

Elliot's POV

 The moment those words come out her mouth I feel myself tearing up I reject what she said. I refuse to lose her over a mistake. So I say back "Liv I'm not leaving until we fix this. I'll say it a million times I love you and I'm sorry. I have no interest in anyone else the only person I want and ever wanted is right in front of me." We are still very close to each other her breath is hitched. I know what's happening is a lot for her but we need this. She says "El it's really hard to trying to resist kissing you right now" I quickly reply "Don't resist it then." I lean in closer and our lips out against one another. It's a passionate kiss. It wasn't like any kiss I ever had. It was filled with sadness, anger but also love. She pull away moving over on the couch leaving space between us and says "I can't. I can't just forgive you after what happened" "why" I reply. "because how do I know you are not going to hurt me again Elliot. How do I know that after this you won't go out and get with another girl" She is about to get up from the couch but I hold onto her arm not in an aggressive way but in a way that I'm signifying I don't want her to leave. I say "Liv it's hurt me that you'd think I'd do that you. I love you. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. I want you to have my kids. I don't want anyone else. No one compares to you. You are beautiful, brave , smart, caring. I could never give that up. Please find a way to trust me. Olivia right now I'm making a promise to never hurt you again and if I break that promise which I won't. I won't bother you again okay my love?" I pull her back on the couch and she says "Okay el, but if you hur-" I cut her off with a kiss then say "I won't ever again. And I'm so sorry I ever did." She initiated our next kiss, this one was intense. We kept kissing and kissing until I said "Can I take you to bed?" Me and Liv haven't done "it" yet we were waiting until liv felt totally comfortable to give me all of her. Her heart, All of her. She replies in between kisses "Yes" "are you sure liv" I say and she says "Positive." I picked her up carrying her to the bedroom and we did it. The rest of night was pure love and well fell asleep.


The morning after

Olivia's POV


  I wake up and start smiling when I remember last night and then I remember that I was supposed to meet with Brian last night and say "OH CRAP!" That wakes up Elliot in a haste and he says "What? What happened?" I then say while checking my phone and seeing the missed calls from him "I totally forgot I was supposed to hang out with Cassidy last night" He sits up and says "What? You were supposed to what" In my head I think this cannot be happening again. I turn to him placing my hands on his face and say "Elliot please listen. We were supposed to hang out as friends nothing more at all. We made it clear that nothing about it was romantic it was just friends trying to catch up"

Elliot's POV

 After Liv explains that It was just supposed to be friendly I try my best to understand because Of what happened last night. The promise I made to never hurt her again and I know I don't want to be fighting with her again so I say "Okay I understand" I lean in for a kiss and she allows it. I say as I pull away "Last night was amazing." She utters back "Absolutely amazing." It's the weekend so we don't have to go into work. She is looking through phone and I know she wants to call him but doesn't want to spark a disagreement so I say "do it" she looks up at me and says "do what?" I chuckle and say "It's fine if you call him and tell him what happened I won't get jealous or mad." I made a promise to liv so I am going to really and be better. She looks at me smiles and says "Thank you" "Don't thank me liv you should be able to call your friend" She gives me a peck on the lips and starts to call him. I assume he picks up the phone when she says "Hi Brian, listen I'm really really sorry about last night I got home and things just didn't go as planned. Please let me make it up to you" I have to admit hearing the conversation makes me a little uncomfortable considering their past but If I want to be better I have be more open to liv's friendships. I hear her say "Okay thanks Brian. Once again I'm really sorry and I can't wait to meet up" she hangs up and says "well that went better than I hoped and although I'm filled with jealously I fake a smile and say "good liv. Happy to hear it." She smiles and we cuddle for a bit longer letting sleep come over us again.


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