chapter thirteen

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^^^play the song while you read^^^

It was only a quarter till three, but it felt much later. It was too hot and too much had happened. We weren't even close to the royal river yet! We were really gonna have to get moving to make some miles by dark.
We were still walking on the tracks. Chris and Gordie were behind me and Vern and Teddy in front. Of course, Vern and Teddy were goofing off, singing the song, 'Lollipop.' Chris, Gordie, and me were walking silently.
I walked back to Gordie and Chris. "Hey! I got some Winstons! Hawked em' of my old mans dresser. One a piece for after supper," Chris said, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah? That's cool," Gordie said quietly. "Yeah! That's when a cigarette tastes best! After supper!" Chris said smiling.
I was just listening to them. I'd never been much of a smoker.
"Hey, Y/N! I even brought one for you," Chris said. "You know I don't smoke," I said. "Well yeah. You don't have too. I just thought that since we were going on this new adventure that maybe you could try something new!" He explained. "Maybe," I said.
I could tell that all of us were really bummed out. I could tell Chris was too, but you know him, always trying to lighten the mood!
We walked in silence for a little. "Do you think I'm weird?" Gordie blurted out of nowhere. "Definitely," Me and Gordie said sarcastically in unison. "No guys... Seriously, am I weird?" He asked in a very serious tone. I had no idea what to say.
Luckily, Chris spoke up. "Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird!" "Yeah," I said.
He seemed satisfied with the answer he had received. We walked in silence for a while more.
"You guys ready for school?" Chris asked breaking the silence. I scoffed. "No," Gordie said. "Junior High! You know what that means!" Chris said, nodding his head. "By next June, we'll all be split up," Chris said, sadly. "Wait- What're you talking about? Why would that happen?" Gordie asked.
Chris stopped walking and looked at him. "It's not gonna be like grammer school. You will be taking your college courses, and me, Y/N, Teddy, and Vern will be taking shop with all the rest of the dummies making ashtrays and birdhouses! You are gonna meet a lot of new people! Smart people!" Chris said. I could tell he was sad talking about it. Talking about how we weren't gonna be together anymore. I was too, I mean we'd been friends since Kindergarten.
"Meet a bunch of pussies is what you mean!" Gordie mocked. "No don't you say that! Don't you even think that!" I scolded him.
He should've been grateful. He had no idea how lucky he was. "I'm not hanging with a bunch of pussies! Forget it!" Gordie said. "Well then you're an asshole! Count your blessings Gordie!" I yelled somewhat loud enough for Teddy to look back at us. "What's asshole about wanting to be with your friends?" He interrogated. "It's asshole if you let your friends drag you down! If you hang with us you'll just be another wise guy with shit for brains!" Chris chimed in.
"I mean, you could be a real writer someday Gordie!" I said to him more calmly than before. "Fuck writing! I don't wanna be a writer! It's stupid! Writing is a stupid waste of time!" He said loudly. "That's your dad talking!" Chris chimed in again. "Bullshit!" Gordie said. "Bull-true!" Chris said. "I know how your dad feels about you, he doesn't give a shit about you! Denny was the one he cared about a don't try to tell me different!" Chris yelled.
I was gonna shut up now. God I hate when people yell! I know I yell sometimes but I try not too.
We walked in silence again. "You're just a kid Gordie," Chris said calmly. "Gee thanks, Dad!" He yelled. "I wish the hell I was your dad! You wouldn't be going around talking about taking these stupid shop-courses if I was!" Chris said.
I don't know, it just something about Chris. You can never stay mad at him. Whenever you're down, he's there to cheer you up. He is a great friend. But I think I like him more. More than a friend.
The reason I was taking the shop courses was because I wasn't all that good at much. I loved to draw. Chris always told me to take the college courses still because 'I was really talented,' He would say. Of course I want to but I don't think I'm all that good.
I kept listening, "It's like God gave you something man! All those stories that you can make up!" Chris said. Gordie was amazing at telling and writing stories. The only reason I am writing this story is because... well you'll find out.
"And it's like he said; 'This is what we got for you, kid, try not to lose it.' But kids lose everything unless there is someone there to look after them! And maybe if your parents are to fucked up to do it, maybe I should!" Chris pointed out. He was right! Kids do lose everything. I already had. My mother and my father. Nobody was there to look after me. I looked after myself mostly.
Me and Gordie just stared at him. I hear whiny voice interrupt us. "Cmon you guys! Let's get moving!" Vern complained as if he was moving faster than us. "Yea! By the time we get there the kid won't even be dead anymore!" Teddy yelled from ahead of us.
Me, Gordie, and Chris looked at each other and smiled.

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