The Fourth Encounter

Start from the beginning

Izuku whined out, “A man I have run into several times during my travels as a mortal. He kisses my hand just like you do. I swear you are doing it to make fun of me!”

Hades had a frown on his face, not that anyone could see it because of his mask. He moved in close to Izuku and gently grasped the young godling’s hands and pulled them away from his blushing face. Taking the hands into one of his, he used his free hand to gently tip Izuku’s face up so their eyes met.

He spoke, his voice low, “Forgive me Izuku. I am sorry if that is how it came across. I am not teasing you in any way, shape, or form. Rather I find myself enamored by you, a godling who refuses to conform the way the other have. Rather you go about your own way, refusing to bow down to anyone for any reason. You refuse to allow anyone to get away with any crime. So many of the recent souls I have received to be judged were all criminals and lowlifes struck down by your blade. Yet rather than do it for fame or for money, you do it because you care so much for the mortals. You care so deeply for them and only wish to protect them. Such kindness and selflessness should be honored amongst the gods, but instead such traits go unnoticed by all except me.”

Izuku stared up at the god who confessed that he, Izuku, a godling who has refused more courtships than he can count and would rather be born a mortal than a god, enamored him. He was so very confused. Why?

He spoke this last thought out loud is a small voice, so weak and scared, “Why? Why me? I am nothing special. Not like some of the other godlings are. Why?”

Hades gave the young god before him a gentle smile, “Why you ask? The reason why Izuku is because unlike your fellow godlings, you refuse to step down and let someone else fight your battles for you. You refuse to give in and stand tall when faced with adversity. Instead of running and crying to your parent and having them settle your problems, you deal with them yourself. That is something I admire. There are not too many of your kind out there any more. The gods have grown lazy and weak in some ways. Their children are slowly becoming just like them. They fight for the smallest reasons and don’t care about who gets hurt in the end. You do though. You care so much and that is what makes you so very special.”

Izuku stared up at him, his green eyes sparkling in the candlelight. They were so open, so revealing. Hades felt like he was staring at the young god’s very soul through his eyes. He gave the young one another smile and wiped a tear that had just been about to fall before moving away, letting go of the god’s face. The lost contact lasted for a moment before he let out a huff as a body slammed into him and arms wrapped around his waist and squeezed. He looked down and saw that Izuku was hugging him, his face mushed against his chest plate, which could not have been very comfortable but clearly he didn’t care.

Izuku spoke softly, his voice almost too soft for Hades to hear him, “Thank you.”

Then the contact ended and Izuku was out of the room, but not before swiping some of the food Hades brought in, running down the hall back to his room, his face red, leaving Hades alone in the library. The older god was more than a bit surprised by the sudden hug but he relished it all the same. It was rare that anyone touched him without any fear that he would hurt him or her for doing so. He let out a sigh and removed his mask and hood. He then moved to stare at himself in the window, his reflection staring back.

Just when he was about to go sit and eat, the doors slammed open and a blonde blur slammed into him, screaming.

“Sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuutaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! How have you been!! Finally the hermit has emerged from his shell!!!”

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