Chapter 3

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The agonizingly loud sound of Hopper's alarm sets Joyce's heart into a panic. She jumps as his arm leaves her side to smack at the snooze button on the nightstand and quickly starts falling back to sleep. His hand goes across her stomach, touching the soft skin close to her waist band and she sighs. Not wanting to leave the warmth of Hopper's bed, Joyce snuggles back into his chest and stretches lazily, her body perfectly aligned with his. Hopper's hand is back on her hip and Joyce loves the heat coming off of his body. It's not until he unconsciously thrusts his hips forward just a little bit that Joyce feels it. A part of Hopper she has never seen, matter less touched is wedged between her ass cheeks.

Joyce suddenly jumps out of his arms, not knowing where to go. Her sudden movements waking him.

"Joyce what's wrong?" He calls out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with his thumbs.

"Umm Hop, you umm, your dick was uh..." Joyce couldn't finish her sentence, pointing down at Hopper's lap, he finally realizes what's happened.

"Shit." Hopper yells, grabbing for Joyce's pillow to cover his hard-on.

"Don't put my pillow on it!" She cries, moving back toward the bed.

"Well it's either your pillow or my hand, you make the decision!" Hopper yells back, trying to sit up without giving Joyce another show. His alarm goes off again, making both of them jump and he quickly yanked the cord out of the wall, the sudden silence of the room filled only with the sound of their breathing.

"Joyce, we knew this could happen. I'm a guy, and you're a very attractive girl and sometimes it just has a mind of his own and-"

"Hopper stop talking!" Joyce demands as she comes to sit on the edge of the bed. Hopper is still holding her pillow tightly over his middle.

"Look Hop, it's fine. It just took me by surprise that's all. I wasn't expecting to wake up to that first thing in the morning."

"So first thing in the afternoon is fine? Because that's what I'm hearing." Joyce huffs at Hopper's lame excuse for a comeback.

"That was so bad that if my pillow wasn't currently covering your dick I would throw it at your face."

"Well, I can always take it off." Hopper teases as he goes to move his hand.

"Don't you dare!" She scolds.

"Ok, ok." He laughs.

"Joyce?" Hopper calls out after a minute, watching as she shifts her line of vision from her hands to his face.

"How mad would you be if I said I liked how it felt?"

This time Joyce didn't care if she saw his dick. Quickly grabbing her pillow, she smacks Hopper with it. Knowing she's going to have to wash it before she uses again.

Hopper tries to cover his laugh with a cough and takes the pillow away from her so she doesn't hit him again. Looking down at the watch on his wrist, he realizes if they don't get a move on, they're going to be late.

"Come on Joy, I can drop you off close to the school and no one will be any wiser."


Missing the first two classes of the day had Joyce distraught. She was never late. So why in all the days she could have been, today was the day for her to miss a quiz. She had completely lost track of the date with everything going on this week.

Hopper didn't seem too concerned about anything at lunch as Joyce sat and watched him over the peanut butter and jelly sandwich Mrs.Hopper had made for her that morning. He was sitting on top of one of the lunch tables, Chrissy sitting between his legs on the bench below. Her elbows were resting on his knees and that unfamiliar rage that accompanied jealousy filled her stomach again. Losing her appetite, Joyce put her sandwich back in its Ziploc, saving it for later. She got to her feet, attempting to throw her trash away when she felt eyes on her. Glancing up, her eyes met with Hoppers and he casually scratched the stubble on his chin with his pointer and middle finger.

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