The magic

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Ben and vilgax walk off the ship and head to the little town and first thing Ben notices is that there are a lot of anodite and Ben turned to his dad and said asked what are we doing here vilgax said we are going to see the elders and get your true form back they got to the center of the city and walked in they went strat for the elders meeting room a few anodites trued to stop them but they just walked past them or shoving them out of they're way they then shoved the door open and the elders turned to them and said who dares interrupts the anodites Council vilgax said we do I am vilgax and my son and I am here to get a spell removed from my son they asked and what spell would I have no clue but it was to make him look like a human thay said we can't remove it but we could alter it so he can Chang from human and back would that be fine yes but before we do we need you to do something for us Ben just asked what there is a witch in the realm of magic that keeps sending stone creatures to attack us Ben just groans and said fine let's go dad but the elders stop them and says one of you will have to stay Ben just looks at his father and say so I go and you stay I've been there before vilgax said ya sure no problem go for it I believe in you the elders had a anodite take Ben to a gate and open it ben walked through the gate into the a world of magic he just walked down the path in the distance he could see a castle and he new what was coming up and thought why does that place look familiar when he got jumped and got taken to the castle and taken to the throne room where he came face to face with charmcaster and she said well if it isn't Ben Tennyson Ben just winces at that name charmcaster doesn't notice this and continues talking there is no way to escape and you will become one of my servants Ben just stands up with his head hung down his hair covering his face and charmcaster said what going to call for your thieving cousin Gwen for help she just a week girl that can't do anything without my book hahaha Ben just start to laugh like a maniac scarring charmcaster then he said how right you are but you missed one detail but I will tell you that in a little bit but I have an offer for you you come with me and I'll help you get your book back do we have a deal he holds out his hand to shake it she just seemed sceptical and she asked why should you help me Ben says well let's just say I have a surprise for them and I would think you there with me will make it even better charmcaster could tell that he was serious and was a little surprised but she just shrugged and shook his hand and said betray me and I'll make you regret it ben said kinda angry I don't betray people like they did she just looked at him Pickurly but just shrugged it off and opened a portal to the Plummer's HQ where they saw Kevin, Gwen, grandpa Max, and Julie with ship as a battle suit Ben noticed two things one charmcasters spell book and the second was the Max wore the omnitrix with azimuth working on it azimuth glanced behind him and saw Ben and was surprised to see Ben wearing the negatrix azimuth went over to Ben and said Ben give me that pointing to the negatrix Ben just touched it making everyone he was going to give it to him bet Ben just lowered his hand and said no azimuth said I will take it from you Ben said try it I dare you azimuth tried to use his power to get it off but it didn't work and said it's not coming off why Ben said because you didn't create it did you azimuth look shocked he turned to everyone get that or we could be in big trouble Ben just laughs and said oh you have no idea and turns into Alien X and Kevin says ha you idiot you can't do much in with that one Ben said that would be true if this one had the celestial beings but I am the solo controller of this one now I'll take that and snatched the spell book from Gwen and gave it to charmcaster Gwen just asked why are you doing this Ben said because of what you all did to me and what your grandma did to me and I will have my revenge on all who had wronged me and me and my father will destroy everything you love and care for now I we must go Kevin and Gwen try to stop him but he just slapped them away and they walked through the portal back to the castle and she said ok spill what happened Ben then told here what happened and by the end she was crying Ben just hugged her saying hey it's fine they will pay for what they did charmcaster then surprised him by kissing him and he kissed her back after a few seconds and after they separated Ben ask would you like to come with me and who knows maybe we can find you some more powerful magic items she said sure why not it's been getting boring being here alone and with that they left after a few minutes Ben walks out of a portal that appeared in the anodites elders meeting room fallowed by charmcaster and said hey your problem is dealt with now get on with getting my form back and where is my father he then hears the door open and turned to see his dad walk in Ben walks over and hugs him and and charmcaster is surprise at what is happening and said you told me he was your father but I had my suspicion Ben turned to the anodites and said let's do this the elders began to chant and they shot ben with a beam of power and then it all stoped and Ben looked like a younger vilgax and Ben just looked at his body and felt stronger the three left and Ben whispered to vilgax did you plant the things vilgax just nodded and gave Ben a device with a button on it they got on the ship and took off and as they where in orbit Ben pushed the button blowing up the plane they then started their journey back to earth.

Ben Tennyson betrayedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt