19- ' '1- 2- 3- Testing' '

Start from the beginning

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  Josuke stopped Jotaro before he headed inside the Hotel building. "Jotaro... hmm can I talk to you?" Josuke asked. Jotaro turned and faced the teen. He looked at him kind of pissed still at Rohan. Jotaro then sigh and looked at the sea behind the purple haired boy. Josuke waiting for a response. Jotaro stepped out of his thoughts and looked at his watch to see the time. It read 8:47AM on it. "Fine..." Jotaro replied finally. He guided him up to his room, even if he knew where it was. Once he opened his door, Josuke ran in and sat in a chair. He then turned to face Jotaro, which he was at his desk hiding the note so Josuke wouldn't read it so easily. Josuke was honestly curious. Jotaro then headed to take a seat right next to Josuke. "What do you want?" The tall man asked. "Hmm? Oh I was wondering if you need something. Y'know, like help because I saw you lash out on Rohan and a guy like you trying to hide your- emotions is kind of usual." Josuke added. Jotaro got up. "If that's what you need then this isn't important." Jotaro muttered then walked to the bathroom. "I- is this a key to leave?" Josuke questioned. "Yes... now go." Jotaro spoke before he closed the door.

  Josuke quickly got up and went to the desk. He looked around quickly and searched for the sticky note. He finally found. His smile was so big until he read it. "HAH- oh shit-" Josuke then turned towards the door. 'What was he planning to do with this wound test' Josuke asked himself. He put the note back and walked towards the bathroom door. He slightly knocked on the door. "Jotaro-san... are you okay?" Josuke spoke thought the door. He waited a few seconds to get no response. He asked again. "Why are you still here?" Jotaro spoke, it sounded like he was struggling almost. "That's not the question." Josuke muttered. "I'm busy, now go." Jotaro banged on the door to get Josuke to back up away from it, and that's exactly what he did. "Fine." Josuke pouted as he made sure it was clear that he was walking to the front door. He opened the door and closed it without going through and hid. He wanted to see what Jotaro was doing. Jotaro cracked the door open to see no one in the room by far. He saw nothing of course. Once he walked out Josuke came out to see his hand was bloody. Josuke eyes widened. "WHAT HAPPENED?" The boy yelled. Jotaro calmly looked at his hand. "Testing something." He answered. Right there is when Josuke remembered what he read on the note. "What is this wound test?" Jotaro asked. "I knew you would look at it." Jotaro shook his head, almost chucking. "It's a step I have to take to get what I need." Jotaro continued.

  "HOW- how does that make sense... never mind- just let me heal it." Josuke told a step closer. Jotaro backed up. "Back off." Jotaro warned. "Your hurt and you want me to back off?" Josuke blurted. "YES!-" Jotaro yelled with his eyes widen. Josuke watched as Jotaro went down to his knees and his head on his palms. "Yes, I just want to get him back or at least know if this is going to work or not so I know if I have to treat every moment like the last." Jotaro cried out into his hands. Josuke looked worried. He wasn't expecting this from Jotaro. He didn't know how to comfort him. "Jotaro- hurting yourself isn't the answer." Josuke went to go rubbed Jotaro's back and secretly 'fix' him but before he knew it he was outside his door. 'Did he seriously stop time and kicked me out?' Josuke questioned as he went to go reach the door handle, but he realized it was lock. Josuke was about to break in but he didn't want to make the older man mad. The boy sighed and left the area.

  Jotaro just sat near the door. 'Would this actually work' he questioned himself. With every thought that came to Jotaro the more he grew sleeper. Eventually falling asleep.

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  Jotaro woke up in his bed, it was dark in the room. He quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. He looked at his arm... it was there... but not a deep. Is this a complete different cut?

  "Jotaro... what are you going..." Kakyoin spoke as he was leaning against the door frame. You can tell that he was tried. Jotaro quickly hid his arm in shock. "Oh- hmmm... I guess I fell asleep over at the other place, if you know what I mean." Jotaro added.

Kakyoin then walked over glazed his own hand over Jotaro's shoulder and down his arm, still staring at him. Kakyoin then looked down and lifted up his sleeve. Jotaro looked away from his wound. "Jotaro- what is this?" Kakyoin asked. "I was- it's a test." "A test?" Kakyoin questioned. "I wanted to see if my wounds would show up at both realities." Jotaro answered.

  Kakyoin his stared at him, pricing him with his glaze. He then slightly tilted his head and smiled sweetly. Before Jotaro knew it Kakyoin slapped him. Jotaro then crouched down, rubbing his head. Kakyoin grabbed his hair and forced him to look into his eyes. "YOU DUMBASS, STOP DOING STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS- one day you going to give someone a heart attack, I swear." Kakyoin yelled before letting go. He then turned around, with his back facing Jotaro. "Just don't go killing yourself, I care to much for you and so many other people do to." The redhead added in a low tone.

  Kakyoin then felt arms wrap around him, holding him tight. "I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't reckless." Jotaro whispered. "Jotaro, you know I have no control over what I did in the other reality." Kakyoin said as leaned back to look at Jotaro. The taller man then press on Kakyoin's stomach. "It's not just that." Jotaro hissed. "HOW THE FUCK WAS I RECKLESS!?" Kakyoin blurted. "It wasn't my fault that he had the upper hand and possibly one of my only weakness when it comes to that trap." Kakyoin continued. "Ahem." Jotaro cleared his throat and traced his scars over his eyes. "I- Polnareff was being loud!" Kakyoin tried to defend himself.

    They both stopped and thought about to for a second. "It's been awhile since I've heard from him." Jotaro whispered. "Yeah..." Kakyoin agreed. "We should go to bed." Jotaro muttered as he kissed the smaller man's forehead. "I love you with all my heart Noriaki." Jotaro spoke as he left to go to the bed. Right after he felt some warm cuddle up to him. "I love you too, Jotaro... but you got this whole reckless thing mixed up. Your the more reckless one." Kakyoin smiled as his focus is on dragging his finger across Jotaro chest.

. . .

    Jotaro then woke to banging on the door. He looked around to see that he was sitting on the floor near the front door. "JOTARO! ARE YOU IN THERE? Damnit he's worse now, isn't he?" Some spoke on the other side, Whispering the last part.

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HAHAHA I'M suppose to being a pre-test rn but no... A/N comes 1st...

Anyways see you next monday

And thank you so much for coming this far with me uwu I have learned a lot when It comes to writing^^

Oh and this book is currently #1 in Jotakak... thank you for that to^^

I love you all... stay safe <3

&quot;My Love,  My World,  My Emerald&quot; &gt; Jotakak &lt;Where stories live. Discover now