5. Meeting

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I hope y'all like that picture I made

Alright Arthur is on the way to my house, luckily they are not that loud like with the boys who are with Arthur. After a view minutes is the house bell to hear. "Wait a second" I excused myself and went to the door. As I opened the door there stood Arthur with them others as I expected. "Nice, come in" said and they walked slowly in. As Young Darby saw the other Stardust Crusaders he took a step back. "Hold on, we don't fight here" said Arthur. "This guy disgusts me" said Kakyoin. "Kakyoin! What did he do?" Asked Jotaro. "Jotaro it seems like we switched dimensions. And like you see we are here with this idiot" said Kakyoin.

"VANILLA ICE!" screams Polnareff. "Polnareff" says Vanilla Ice calm. "You Bastard killed Avdol and Iggy! You will pay for that!" screams Polnareff in rage. "Nani!" screams now Joseph. "Avdol and Iggy are... dead?" says Kakyoin in shock. Jotaro gives Vanilla Ice an death glare. That's bad. "While I was fighting Polnareff, Young  Darby fought against Jotaro, Kakyoin and Joseph right?" asked me Vanilla Ice. I nodded. "Yeah Kakyoin told me that this guy is on Dio's side, but now you're gonna die" says Polnareff and shows to Young Darby. "Yes I am. But for first we need to go back to Dio-sama. Right Vanilla?" says Young Darby."Yes. But at first we need to go to our Dimension back. Or..." says Vanilla but cuted on his last words. "Or what?" asks Jotaro. "Nothing important" excused Vanilla himself.

Meanwhile were the part 4 & 5 charcters together and talking with each other. It seems like Josuke and Giorno became friends. As Polnareff took his Stand out everyone got in defense mode. "Polnareff put Silver Chariot back!" I command him. "Eh! You're a Stand user too?!" asks Joseph shocked. "No but I know that there's a Stand from y'all's reaction. "How do you know about Stands if you're not a Stand user?" asks Giorno. "Well there's a show on the TV" starts Arthur. "And it's called Jojo" I say "and you all are from there, that's why we know everything about you" ends Arthur.

"Ohhhh..." says everyone. "Do you know my Stand????" asks Okuyasu with a big grin. "Yes it's Za Hando" I answer what makes him grin even more. He's so big hearted and cute. "So you can't see our stand but you know about our stands" says Josuke and I nod.

Ik it's a very short chapter sry

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