1. Oc

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I made this pic so y'all know how she looks like

Name: (F/N) (N/N) =Fore name & Next name
Age: 17
Nationality: Half American and half Japanese
Born in: USA
Lives in: Japan
Personality: Introvert, people thinks she is shy but in her inside she is always ready to fight, Jojo fan, can get mad, likes eating. Hates Drugs, Alcohol and cigarettes.
Hobbys: Drawing, watching Anime (especially Jojo), reading manga, baking and playing video games

This is my first book where I will write in English (my others are in German) so I hope it won't be that bad and I bet there will be many grammar mistakes.

Also these characters are not mine, they are Araki's characters! Only the story and oc are mine.

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