Chapter 2

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I can't believe Nicole is Wynonna's friend from college. What am I gonna do she about to be a college graduate and I'm only a sophomore.

She's so cute which makes me even more upset about the whole thing.

"Earth to Waverly" I go back into reality and see Wynonna's hand waving in front of my face.

"I'm sorry what" I said uncrossing my legs.

"I said I'm driving mama to her appointment and Nicole is staying here" Wynonna says repeating herself.

"Oh um y-yeah of c-course" damnit Waves stop studdering.

"Alright awesome it'll give you guys a chance to get to know each other" my sister smiles at me before walking away.

Oh god what have I done, I can't be alone with her for hours.

Lord give me strength.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Nicole doing some work at the kitchen table. She has a cute little worry wrinkle, meaning she's probably having trouble. I take a deep breath and walk over.

"H-hey Ni-Nicole" geez Waverly way to be a total dork.

She looks up at the sound of my voice and god I could just die right here right now.

"Hey, Waverly what's up" she smiles up at me.

"I-I was wondering if you um if you needed anything like help or some water maybe" I ramble out making a fool of myself.

Nicole  just gives me a smile showing her dimples.

"I'm think I'm okay" Nicole is still smiling at me.

"Um are you sure it's no trouble at all" I give a small smile while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Im sure you don't know college math " she laughs out.

"You underestimate me Nicole, I'm Top of my class with an IQ of 165" I say getting bolder.

"Okay smarty pant" she giggles before continuing. "Show me what you got" she slides to papers to me a sit down next to her with the cheesy grin still on my face.


"Wow" is all Nicole says when I finish her paper and showed her.

"Told ya" I smile.

"Are you sure you're related to Wynonna" she laughs looking at me.

"Haha positive" I giggle at her joke.

She looks at me and smiles and for a moment I think I see her blush. It's probably all in my head. Why would she be into someone like specially a 16 year old.

"You have such beautiful eyes" she compliments me and I look down blushing.

"Is that a blush I see" that makes me blush harder.

"Cute" she says boldly and it makes me look up at her.

"You think I'm cute" I breathe out. She giggle before answering.

"Very cute" she puts a strain of hair behind my ear.

And before I know it I do something that shocks us both and my lips are on hers.

Her lips taste like Vanilla dipped donuts and it's so intoxicating. Before I know it she starts kissing me back which shocks me.

I never want this moment to end.

"YO HAUGHT TO TROT WE'RE BACK" Wynonna yells entering the house. We quickly pull away and she clears her throat, picking up her papers.

"Here you guys are" Wynonna and mama walk into the kitchen.

"Up here we are not doing anything at all" I nervously ramble. Nicole looks at me with wide eyes.

"Um okay.... anyways Nicole are you ready the movie starts in half an hour" Wynonna looks at her watch.

"Um yeah sure let's go" Nicole puts all her stuff in her book bag, walking out.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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