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Sami: Hello Pups! Welcome Back! This story is gonna be slowing down a lot cause school started a few days ago and like, I'm dying, anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!


3rd Person PoV-

What if Izuku was depressed? What if Izuku jumped off of the building? What if he died? What if Bakugo never forgave himself? What if Bakugo pretended he was still there?

Bakugo PoV-

I can't believe that these shitty extras got into UA! Their useless! At least me and Deku made it into UA together, so neither of us are alone.

I began to walk back to my dorm as Deku ran up behind me.

"Katsuki! Wait for me!" He yelled from about 20ft away

I stopped walking and waited for him, when he reached me we started to walk to the dorms talking about this and that.

3rd Person PoV-

The rest of Class 1A watched as Bakugo seemingly talked to himself while walking to the dorms, but stopping and starting and laughing. Like he was talking to someone who didn't exist. Class A got together to discuss something.

"Guys, I think something's up with BakuBro. He's been talking to himself today."

"Yeah, we all noticed. It's like he's talking to someone. He keeps saying Izuku."

"I think we should find out who Izuku is. Then we can talk to Bakugo."

"How would we find that out?"

"Talk to Mrs. Bakugo. She'd know something right?"

"Presumably, but I don't think we should just go and find his mum and ask 'Whose Izuku?'. What if something bad happened and it's a sensitive topic?"

"That's even more reason to ask!"

"Ugh, fine, if you think it's for the best then let's go and see Mrs. Bakugo."

It was decided, that night Class A were going to Bakugo's house to talk to his mother, but they did not in anyway expect the answer they would get.

~Time Skip~Bakugos House~

"Mrs. Bakugo. We are your son's fellow students and we would like to ask you a question about him."

"Umm, okay, come in all of you. What would you like to ask?"

"Who is Izuku? Bakugo keeps walking around the school talking to himself and mentioning that name."

"It's very complicated."

"Please Ma'am we want to understand what's going on."

"*Sigh* Okay. I'll tell you. Izuku was Katsukis childhood friend. About 2 years ago, Izuku Midoriya committed suicide, he jumped off of their middle school roof, Katsuki was too late to stop him. He blames himself for everything that happened. He sort of pretends that never happened, that Izuku is still here, it's been going on since about a month after the incident. It's his method of coping with his best friend's suicide, so we let him be. It was always his and Izuku's dreams to be hero's together. The Number One and Two Heroes. Ever since Katsuki got his quirk he would protect Izuku and would help him train to be heroes."

The class paused for a minute. They knew something bad was going on, but this? This was unexpected, even for them. After a moment, they started to think more questions.

"Ma'am, what was Izuku's quirk?" Iida spoke out.

"Izuku didn't have a quirk. When he got to age 5 without getting a quirk, he gave up on his power. Izuku was bullied at school because he had no quirk, so Katsuki protected him, but he couldn't protect him from feelings."

"Thank you Ma'am. We will be leaving now, it's almost curfew time. Goodnight."

The class all said their good byes and went back to the dorms, determined to help Bakugo.

~Time Skip~Next Day Talking to Bakugo~

"Hey, Bakugo, there's something you need to know!"

"What do you want, shitty extra?"

"Who do you keep talking to?"

"Are you fucking dumb? I'm talking to Izuku, obviously."

"Bakugo, Izuku, he's dead...."



Sam: Okay, Hi! What did you guys think?

Bakugo: I don't think I've ever called Deku, Izuku....

Kaminari: Izu, was the stuff Mitsuki said about that true? That you were quirkless, and got bullied?

Midoriya: I, urmmm, kinda?

Kirishima: Did you ever actually try to do what you did in that?

Midoriya: Maybe? About a year before the entrance exams.

Kaminari: Izu....

Sam: Okay, stopping this here before it gets really depressing. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love y'all! THANKS FOR 30K ASWELL!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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