Transgender Bakugo

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Sami: Hello Pups. Back with yet another BakuVerse!

Bakugo: What have you written about me this time?

Sami: Transgender Bakugo. Doesn't say if it's FtM or MtF though. Guess we'll find out in a minute. Hope you enjoy this!


Bakugo PoV-

I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. Kill me.

Why did I have to be born in this useless male body. I always knew I wasn't a guy but no one understood. My parents get it now. But the class, I'm not sure what they'll say, or do.

They'll probably hit me or yell at me. Say they regret talking to me, or meeting me. And that I shouldn't have been born that I should just die. They'll hate m-

"Bakubro. You okay? You're muttering a bit."

I hate when he calls me that.

"Im fine. Did you hear what I was muttering?"

"Not really. I heard hate, regret and a bunch of other words like that. Nothing that made sense though."

"Okay. Listen, random thing. Get everyone to the common room tonight. I have something to tell you guys. They'll all go if you ask them."

"Sure dude. Why do you wanna tell us something?"

"Cause it could affect the way you guys see me. And I just need to tell you all. Okay?"

"Yeah, sure. They'll be there at 6pm."


He walked away from me. 2 hours until I tell them all. Better go to my room and get ready.

~Time Skip~5pm~

Well, I better go down and talk to them all. I decided that I would wear something fancy for tonight so this is what im wearing.

Simple, yet elegant. I just hope no one goes to nuts at it.

{A/N: Baku already had tits as male, she no needing a fake bra.}

I walked into the common room, to see everyone in 1A.

"Hey guys. I bet your all wondering why you're here. I have something to tell you. Something that you can probably figure out from what I'm wearing."

They all just stared at me. Honestly, everyone in the class was shocked and blushing I think. Except Mineta. Suddenly, Deku was right up in my face. He looked at me then hugged me.

"You know, I've always known, Kacchan. I'm proud of you for finally realising and feeling comfortable enough to tell us."

I was so shocked. He'd always known?

"You've always known?"

"Yes. You weren't exactly subtle, let's say."

"Okay, that's a fair point. What do the rest of you have to say?" What? I was curious as fuck.

They all looked at me, then each other, then back at me. Jiro was the first to move. She got up, practically ran towards me and leaped onto me, giving me the biggest hug I've ever had in my life. I'm not a hugging person. I was kind of just stood there for a second, until I decided, Fuck It, and hugged her back, burying my head into he top of her head.

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