Don't get ahead of yoursef

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No one's POV
The two laid there, limbs all wrapped together, treasuring the warmth of each other's bodies. Neither wanted to move, get up or even break free from what had been one if not the best nights both have experienced together

Finally breaking out of the little bit of sleep I had left, I stared at her. Her beautiful features all relaxed nicely as she slept. She looked so peaceful, so pure, the complete opposite of how she looked laid under me just last night. Without realizing it, a small smile spread across my face. My owner, the woman who brought me into a whole new world. A world I get to share with such an amazing creature. My love

"Why are you staring at me?" Jesus Christ the girl almost gave me a heart attack. "Good morning love, did you sleep well?" Her face turned a bright red at the name and she tried to hide her face in my chest. Cute. Suddenly her head shot up and her faced expression looked like one of disgust. "Yoongi, there's stuff all over my leg and the bed." "Babygirl it's cum." "I know what the fuck it is you asshat!" She quickly got up from the bed, her beautiful body standing exposed just for my eyes and my eyes only. "Stop looking at me you horny little snake and clean your mess!" She walked away, not before grabbing my shirt and putting it on of course.

With a heavy sigh I got up and took the sheets off and put them in the washing machine, not bothering to put any clothes on and making my way to kitchen. I heard chatting, confused as to who y/n was talking to. Unless it was herself again. She tends to do that. It's a bit weird but cute nonetheless. Finally having my presence in the kitchen I can clearly see y/n talking with the guy that showed up from yesterday, what was his name... Juancock I think? Not that I fucking care, I'm just irritated as to why he's in my damn house... Y/n's house...Our house.

"Yes Jungkook but I already told you how I felt about everything. Besides I'm currently with some-" "-Baby what's going on?" I asked finally making my presence known. My naked presence of course. (Yoongi has no fucking shame) "Y-Yoongi! Where are your clothes!?" It was cute seeing her so flustered. It was almost a bit funny, her trying to look away but failing miserably. Meanwhile Jungcock is just staring at me grossed out. Not that I could care, he honestly had nothing on me.

"Well I didn't think clothes were needed, seeing as how you already saw all of this last night." I walked behind her, wrapping my arms around her wide but small waist, placing my head on her shoulder. Her scent almost intoxicating. God did I want to just bend her over and fuck her hard on this kitchen table. I honestly would though if that dumb kid wasn't sitting right there infront of is. Although I would probably do it anyway with or without him being present. I have no shame. "Listen y/n, my offer still stands. You know what you said wasn't true. And let's be honest here doll, you're only refusing because you like getting 2 dicks shoved up your ass by this snakey freak, that obviously has no fucking shame and no respect. A man like me could make you feel good in ever single way. " He leaned himself back in the chair, a smug smile laid there playful on his lips. God did I want to punch this motherfucker. Actually... nothings stoping me so why not.

Getting ready to take a swing, y/n said something I wasn't really expecting. "Listen Jungkook. You may think your all that- hell, maybe you are- but what you aren't is loyal. You aren't kind not respectful. You come in Our house. Disrespect not only me but my boyfriend for no valid reason really, and then you have the nerve to think your more of a man than him?" She leaned close to his face. Her breath fanning his. "Let me tell you something bunny, If anything I'm my own man, and I'd rather have 2 cocks shoved up my ass than one that can't last 3 minutes. Now get the fuck out and don't come back." She spat viciously, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hard as fuck hearing her speak to him like that. He got up, expressionless and walked out the door, slamming it.

"You okay baby?" I asked, my breath low in her ear. She turned in my arms and looked up at me. Her beautiful eyes bore into mine. She gave me a soft smile before quickly pecking my lips a couple of times. "You're so beautiful, you know that y/n?" I said, love dripping from my tone. Such a beautiful thing. A woman of my dreams. A woman I will do whatever I can to please...."Thank you Love. You aren't so bad yourself." She gave me the cutest smile before giggling in a way I have never quite heard. God I was so mesmerized...

And that's how I lost no simp September😭

"Now babygirl, why don't you turn around and bed over so daddy can milk inside of you a bit hm?"

Not edited becuz I'm lazy Taurus ♉️

SUGA-Hybrid AU- OneshotWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt