10. Haru

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The unusual pair made their way outside and snuck around to the back of the building. Kisa slid down the wall and rested her head against the hard surface. She held her hand up to Louis, who took it gently and joined her on the floor. A cool breeze blew, making Kisa feel sleepy. Leaning her head against Louis' shoulder, the red deer shifted to make her more comfortable. Louis absentmindedly rested his head against Kisa's and hummed a quiet song.

"You have a beautiful voice." Kisa smiled with closed eyes.

Louis chuckled. "Thank you."

He continued to hum his tune as Kisa rested. The quiet moments he shared with the large carnivore felt peacefully, completely different to life he led in the public eye. His personal drive to topple carnivores seemed to waste away as he spent time with Kisa. Not all carnivores were worth crushing. The sound of students approaching caused Louis to shake Kisa awake.

"Kisa, we can't stay here. They'll find us." He whispered.

Kisa nodded groggily and rose from the ground. She shook her head to perk up. Louis thought the flopping of her ears was cute, so he took her large hand and pulled her away. They rounded the corner and back out into the open. Students swarmed them again.

"Louis come watch me dance!"

"Over here, Louis!"

The deer sighed but continued to walk on. Kisa tried her best to keep her head up, but the pressure of all these students was hard to handle. She looked at Louis with a questioning expression.

"Everyone please, let us through. We need to make our way to the auditorium." Louis stated.

The students slowly dispersed, leaving the way clear. Once they had arrived at their destination, the pair closed the door.

"We really need to find better places to meet." Kisa giggled. "Somewhere more private."

"Like my room?" Louis offered with a smirk.

"Like your room." Kisa shot back.

After a few moments, Kisa checked her phone for the time and yelped in alarm.

"Oh no! I was meant to meet Haru ten minutes ago!" She cried.

Louis perked up at the sound of Haru's name.

"Haru?" He tried to cover his alarm.

"My roommate and the only member of the gardening club." Kisa summarised, sending an urgent text to the rabbit. "I have to go."

Kisa opened the door to the hallway and looked back at Louis with a smile.

"Let me know when you're free!" She winked, leaving Louis alone to ponder his racing thoughts. 

[Sorry for the long wait, life royally screwed me. I don't want this to end with season 1 of the anime, so I'm going to deviate from the canon story.]

Carnivore, Animal | LouisWhere stories live. Discover now