8. Aftermath

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Once she had patched up Legosi, he snuck away into the shadows and out of Kisa's sight. She buried her head in her hands and sighed. Legosi had gotten worked up about the rabbit blood because he was developing feelings for Haru, but to go so far to draw blood with a tiger. Kisa shook her head clear of thoughts and packed away the medical kit. After placing it in its proper place, she turned to leave but caught sight of Louis on his crutches.

"How's Legosi?" He asked.

"Sulking, he knows he's going to get into trouble for it." Kisa groaned.

"I'll chew him out, but not as badly as Bill." Louis chuckled, hopping towards her.

"How's your ankle?" Kisa replied, walking towards him.

"It's fine, the bandages are loose from moving all day." Louis whined, taking a seat on chair Legosi was previously on. "Honestly, all the pity I receive from it sucks. I don't want their sympathy."

"It makes you feel more like a herbivore, right?" Kisa stated, kneeling beside Louis' ankle.

"Exactly." Louis let his head slip back and rest, looking up at the roof.

Kisa unwound the external bandages. The ankle's swelling had gone down slightly, but would need the weekend's rest to heal to a point where Louis wouldn't need the support.

"You should be able to walk without the crutches on Monday. Let it rest over the weekend if possible." Kisa gently took Louis' leg from ground and started to rebind it.

Louis looked down at the large white tiger bent over his lean leg. No malice or hunger radiated from her, nor did he sense any pity – only the worry stemming from their friendship-relationship. Louis didn't understand why Kisa felt different, but he had the sudden urge to feel her fur. His slender fingers touched her ears, causing them to flicker. Kisa looked up at the sudden contact causing Louis to retract his hand.

"You can touch my ears, I was just caught off guard." Kisa smiled, lifting Louis' leg onto her thigh.

"Is it strange for someone, especially a herbivore to touch your ears?" Louis inquired, petting one.

"For most tigers and big cats, I think it would be. However, my parents petted my ears to calm me down from a young age so I don't mind." Kisa elaborated.

She finished binding Louis' leg and stood to help him up. Louis took her hand and wobbled into her. He realised how tall she was compared to him, not that he minded. Kisa helped him regain his balance and handed him his crutches. They separated from each other for the evening. Not one minute apart, Kisa's phone buzzed.

"Stage production debrief tomorrow." She read aloud.

When Kisa entered her room, Haru was still awake. She glanced over at her friend with a sympathetic expression. Kisa looked how she felt, drained and tired.

"Bad night?" Haru asked, getting up from the table.

"You could say that." Kisa turned to her. "Be kind to Legosi tomorrow or when you see him next."

"What happened with Legosi?" Haru inquired.

"Ask Louis. I'm going to bed." Kisa curled up in bed and promptly fell asleep.

The next morning, Kisa saw on the front cover of the school's newspaper that Louis was apparently proud of the performance that Louis and Bill screwed up. Incredibly confused, she texted the deer. Her phone rang shortly after she messaged him.

"The school newspaper jumped us in the middle of me chewing them out. I had to improvise." Louis sighed. "I cancelled the meeting. Want to get lunch from the cafeteria?"

"Sure, I'm almost there." Kisa replied.

She met Louis outside the cafeteria, he was swamped by fans and wasn't on his crutches. Kisa shook her head with a roll of her eyes. He wasn't going to get better through sheer will power. When Louis caught sight of her, he addressed her.

"Ah, Kisa, you're here. Shall we?" He gestured inside.

A bunch of fan girls pouted and started talking amongst themselves.

"Who's she?"

"Why did Louis want to have lunch with her?"

"But she's a carnivore!"

The pair took their seats at a table for two. Kisa attempted to sit at the smaller tables for the herbivores, but couldn't quite fit.

"Sorry, we can move to the carnivore seats if you'd like?" Louis smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay, I'll kneel." Kisa rebutted.

Kisa moved the chair aside and knelt to the table. The duo started up idle chatter, talking over some the unbelievable things that happened the past night. Towards the end of the meal, Kisa felt Louis good foot rub against her knee in an attempt to be subtly affectionate.

"Want to get out of here?" Louis smirked.

[Hi readers! I'd like to write some spicy romance scenes soon, but I'll put a warning. Nothing should be explicitly NSFW. - Cata

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