2. The Fall

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Opening the window of the dorm room that she shared with Haru, Kisa felt a twinge of guilt cross her chest. She was sneaking out to rendezvous with Louis. The love triangle was complicated, but Kisa tried her best to brush it off. Nothing was official, so anything goes...right? 

After double-checking that the Dwarf Rabbit was asleep, Kisa realised that Haru wasn't in. Not dwelling on it, Kisa climbed out the window and jumped down to the ground floor. Sneaking around corners, she made her way to Legosi's block. By the time Kisa arrived, all three males were waiting outside for her.

"Alright, let's go." Louis directed, leading the way to the auditorium.

"This is a bad idea..." Legosi whispered to Kisa.

"Yeah, there have been more patrols after what happened." She agreed. "But Louis needs our help."

Legosi nodded.

Louis stopped just short of the door to the auditorium. He turned to Legosi and instructed him to keep watch. The reserved wolf only nodded and turned away from the door. The trio continued inside, with Louis leading his student to the stage.

"Since you can see in the dark, instruct him on his movement." Louis asked her.

"Yes, I will." Kisa took a seat in the front row.

They started their practice. Louis acted as ruthless as did in his office. Kisa felt bad for the student, she wouldn't trade positions for the world. After a few rounds, Louis stopped.

"Can you get us some water please?"

"Sure, one moment." Kisa replied.

Standing up and flexing her muscles after sitting in the cramped seats, Kisa started to ascend the stairs in search of water. She had barely made it two rows when she heard a commotion behind her and a thud. Immediately turning around, Kisa gasped at finding the drama club students on the floor.

Rushing towards them, Louis groaned in pain. He moved to sit down and clutched at his ankle. His expression was a mixture of pain and frustration.

"Go get Legosi!" Kisa barked.

She knealt beside Louis and touched his shoulder, he tensed up.

"What are you doing?" He snapped.

"I'm going to brace your ankle. We need to be able to move you back to your room." Kisa stated calmly.

"It's fine, only a sprain."

"I don't care what you think, Louis. I'm first aid qualified let me handle this." Kisa rebutted.

Louis fell silent. He couldn't see what was going on and suddenly began to feel worried.

"Kisa, can I place my hand on your arm? I feel anxious not knowing what's happening to me." He expressed his concerns.

"Of course." Kisa gently glided his hand to her lower arm.

She then turned her attention to his ankle. Taking her shirt in her hands, Kisa tore off a strip not caring about the garment. Kisa bound Louis' ankle tightly and made sure that he wouldn't lose circulation to the appendage.

"There, when you get back to your dorm room ice it." Kisa instructed. "If it's still sore in the morning you should see a doctor."

"I'm not going to sideline myself less than a week before the performance." Louis sighed.

Kisa reached out to stroke his face and she felt him lean into it.

"You'll pull through." She smiled.

The doors burst open and Legosi came down the stairs.

"Can you carry him back to the male dorms? I'm not allowed in." Kisa asked the timid wolf.

"Uh, sure, yeah..."

Kisa thought something was a little off with Legosi, but thought nothing on it further. That was how Legosi was normally. Little did she know what had transpired between her best friends. 

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