9. Heavy Atmosphere

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Slight NSFW Warning – making out!

"Sure." Kisa smiled.

"Great, where should we go?" Louis asked, standing from his seat.

"I don't know, thought you had an idea?" She rebutted with a cheeky wink.

Louis guided them around the tables and out of the cafeteria. The second they stepped outside, Louis' fans swarmed him again. Girls pushed flowers towards him and screamed for his autograph. Kisa was very overwhelmed, she was a large carnivore mainly surrounded by small herbivores. Standing there awkwardly, Kisa let Louis do the talking.

The red deer was clearly putting on a happy face. He was in the mood for action but his 'fans' were hindering his plans. Louis noticed how uncomfortable Kisa looked; he leaned into her and grasped her shoulder. The girls around them gasped, including Kisa.

"Louis, is this tiger your girlfriend?" One asked.

"But she's a carnivore!" Another squeaked.

"During the last performance I twisted my ankle." Louis half-lied. "Kisa is a strong member of the drama club, she's helping me get around in case I need support."

"Yeah..." Kisa agreed, not sure how to deal with the swarms of people commenting on her species.

Louis gently pushed her arm forward.

"We best get going, I need to address the next performance of the drama club. Please let us through." Louis continued.

Everywhere they turned there were people. Even the small out of the way corners seemed to either have couples or fans. There wasn't anywhere for the frustrated students to find some peace. Kisa thought that maybe it was pointless. Every fan that approached, Louis said the same excuse – that Kisa was a drama club member helping him and his ankle.

"This is frustrating." Louis grumbled.

"There's only one place we haven't tried." Kisa replied. "Your office at the drama club."

Without a word, Louis pulled Kisa to his office. He waved at fans and thanked them for their support. They had finally made it to the small room and with not one moment to wait, Kisa was pushed against the door.

Kisa gasped slightly at how strong Louis actually was. It didn't knock her off her feet, but she was still caught by surprise. She let herself slide down the door a little so that she could be the same height as Louis. He stepped into her, placing a hand either side of her head.

"You've wanted this for a long time." He mused.

"Says you." Kisa smirked.

She pushed her head forward and connected their lips. Now it was Louis' turn to be surprised. A woman had never taken the lead with him before and he had never kissed a carnivore. Through the kiss Louis could feel the strength of Kisa's jaw. He ran a hand through the fur on her head and stopped at her jaw.

"Let's get more comfortable." Louis groaned, feeling his heat rising.

Kisa stepped away from the door and made her way to the centre of the room. Louis followed her but was promptly pushed into a chair. His mind went wild. Did he enjoy being overpowered? Louis didn't know what to do. Kisa knelt between Louis' legs and held his waist. She continued to kiss him. Louis would occasionally try to assert dominance but her strength was overpowering.

It wasn't a prime position to be in, but for the space they were dealing with and the difference in height – it would work. Kisa was just elated to be physical with Louis. She had indeed wanted this for a very long time.

"We can go further." Louis said. "And harder, don't hold back."

Kisa let out a low growl and took a hold of Louis' shirt.

There was a knock at the door. Kisa's eyes went wide and moved away from his legs. Louis quickly kicked off a shoe and sock and whispered to Kisa to take his leg. The door opened soon after, it was Kai.

"Ah, am I interrupting anything?" He asked.

"Kisa is wrapping my ankle, a small strain. Can I help you Kai?" Louis said in a ragged voice, trying to control his breathing and anger.

"I wanted to know if I could be placed back on the acting team." Kai said.

"I'll think about it. Now please leave, I am very busy." Louis hissed.

"Of course." Kai scurried out of the room, closing the door.

Kisa let out a disappointed sigh and shook her head.

"That was terrible." Louis groaned. "I was really getting into it too."

"Same." She looked down at Louis foot, which was resting on her knee.

Kisa cocked her head to the side and saw a number on soles of his feet. Her head went fuzzy. Louis had a number. In an instant, all the painful memories of her early childhood came flooding back. Kisa had tried her hardest to suppress them, but they were all coming back; the screaming, the fear and the darkness. She inhaled.

"Louis, your foot." Kisa whispered.

Louis recoiled quickly, realising that he had kicked off the wrong shoe. Kisa had seen his greatest shame – the back alley market ID number on his foot. His brow creased and strange expression grew on his face. It wasn't her fault, but he couldn't let her tell the others.

"Don't say a thing about this." He hissed. "Don't tell a soul."

Liquid fell from his eyes. Louis couldn't believe that he could be crying, not now. He was over it right? Kisa looked up at him with sad eyes, tears spilling over her own. Louis' expression changed from unsure to worried.

"I won't." Kisa managed to say.

She kicked off her own shoe and pulled down a sock. Raising her own leg she showed Louis her foot. A large number nine was tattooed to it's sole. Louis shook, she was like him. In a matter of minutes the pair had gone from passionate lovers to sobbing messes on the floor.

"You're like me?" Louis breathed in disbelief. "You have a number."

"I do." Kisa whimpered.

Louis sat next her, wrapping an arm about her shoulders. The pair leaned into each other for solace and comfort. Kisa spoke first.

"I was sold along with other young carnivores at a very niche part of the Back Alley Market." Kisa started. "We were to be either killed or have parts of out body mutilated to make 'medicine' to help weak herbivores."

Louis' grip tightened as Kisa's voice faltered.

"I was in my cell one day, hoping and pleading that something would take me away. One day that call was answered. My parents appeared at my cell and chose me on a whim. In an instant I was whisked way from my hell and into a life of opportunity. My parents are hares, herbivores. They wanted to find a carnivore that they could raise from a young age and teach herbivore medicine too." She finished.

"So you could help anyone regardless of circumstance and species." Louis confirmed.

"That's their dream and I want to uphold it. They gave me a chance to do something, so I'm going to try my best." Kisa half smiled, looking over to the deer.

"I was similarly sold on the Back Alley Market, my farther, leader of the Horns Conglomerate, chose me and raised me as his biological son. No one else knew, well, except for you now. It feels good to get it off my chest." Louis summarised his story.

Kisa never broke eye contact with him, instead opting to kiss his cheek as a comforting gesture.

"Want to sit outside?" Kisa asked. "It's a bit heavy in here."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Louis chuckled. 

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