Puppy Love - Rufus

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I've been best friends with Manny for as long as I can remember. We both grew up in Texas, but my family and I moved to Connecticut a year earlier before them.

Today is Manny's first day in school and we're walking to school together. "Bye mom! Bye dad, I'm going to Manny's," I told my parents. I grabbed an apple and about three pieces of bacon for Rufus, Manny's dog.

Rufus loves me, and I love him. Back when we were still in Texas, Manny and I would always play around with Rufus. That dog is definitely a great best friend, to both Manny and me.

I knocked on the Garcia's house and Manny's mom opened the door. "Ah! Hello Y/N! Good morning, Manny is almost done getting ready," Mrs Garcia smiled as she welcomed me in their home.

I waited for Manny by the bottom of the stairs as I played with my nails.

I suddenly heard footsteps and looked up to see Rufus running down the stairs towards me. "Rufus! Hey boy!" I squealed as he jumped in my open arms and we fell to the ground. I laughed as Rufus keeps on licking my face and hovers above me.

"Hi! Awe," I cooed. I handed him the bacons that I brought with me and he happily ate the food. After finishing all three pieces of bacon, I sat on the floor and pet Rufus while waiting for Manny. "Manny! Come on, school starts in a few minutes," I called.

He finally came down the stairs and smiled at me. "Hey Y/N," Manny greeted. "Hey!" I smiled. He helped me up on my feet and we hugged each other. Suddenly, Rufus moved in between us which forced Manny and I to pull away.

"Let's go. Don't want you to be late on your first day," I said. Manny bid goodbye to his parents as I bent down and scratched Rufus behind his ears. "See you later boy," I smiled. I pressed a kiss on his nose and he licked my hand. I giggled before Manny and I left his house.

On the way, Manny keeps practicing his introduction as I used my phone. "Hey, Manny, listen. Don't be nervous ok? It's just the first day of school, everyone doesn't really care about this day. Just stay cool and act normal," I told him.

We reached the front of the school as I got pulled away by my friends. I can see Manny talking to Paige which made me smile. Paige is a great person, we're actually great friends since we have a few classes together.

The bell rang and I got dragged away to class by my friends.


When school was over, I went home to drop my bag and walked to Manny's house. I heard about the painting accident and now I can feel he's upset.

I walked in and greeted his parents as Manny rubbed the blue paint off his face. "Here. Let me help," I said as I grabbed the towel, forced him to look at me as I cleaned his face.

"I wanna move back to Texas," Manny spoke. I pulled away and slapped him in the face, but not too hard. "Ow! Y/N!" Manny whined. "You are not moving back, Manny! I just got you," I pouted.

Rufus barked from a little way behind me. "And mostly cause I'm gonna miss Rufus," I added. Manny rolled his eyes at me and I continued cleaning his face.

"What Y/N said. We are not moving back to Texas," Mr Garcia said. He placed a piece of pizza on a plate and slid it to me. "Thanks Mr Garcia," I smiled. I took a bite before focusing on Manny again.

"How bad could it be?" Mrs Garcia asked. "I was blue! The whole school saw it," Manny complained. "I didn't," I spoke up.

"It wasn't the ideal first day, but it'll get better," Mrs Garcia added. "It was embarrassing. I don't even have any friends here," Manny said.

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now