002. everyone meet god

Start from the beginning


"Okay, I'm here," Dream walked in through one of the doors. "Sapnap, give me some wooden planks."

"There are some sticks in here," George said, gesturing towards a specific chest.

"Thanks," Dream hummed.

"Where do I put the rest of the wood?" Asked Sapnap.

George sighed, "This chest's literally labelled wood, Sapnap."

"Okay, geez," Sapnap groaned. "Sorry."

"I need iron," Dream said. "Sapnap weren't you just mining?"

"Yeah, I'm on it," replied Sapnap. "Hold on, who's currently on the server?"

"Let's see," Dream hummed, pressing tab. "It's just us and Tubbo."

"What's he doing?" Sapnap asked.

"Tommy's most probably going to be streaming later," George thought. "Say, if you guys are heading out, bring extra sand for some glass, will you?"

"Sure," Sapnap agreed and followed Dream outside in order to help him collect dirt and sand.

Tommyinnit joined the game.

"Tommy's here," noticed George, "he wants us to add him to the call," he said as he added the boy to their discord call.

"HI GUYS!" Bellowed Tommy.

"Oh my God," Sapnap groaned. "George, what the fuck? Why'd you add him to our call?"

"No, it's fine," shrugged Dream.

"Sapnap, shut the fuck― oh! Hello, Tubbo," Tommy greeted. "Wait, where are you guys and why'd I spawn in Church Prime?"

Sapnap ignored Tommy, "How much sand do we need, Dream?"

"I think we're good for now," Dream answered, tossing his broken shovel away. "Let's head back."

"Tubbo! There you are, where were you?" Tommy exclaimed, watching Tubbo drop a stack of eggs. "Eggs? What do we need those for?"

<Tubbo_> Chicken farm

"Wait, come back Tubbo!"

Dream and Sapnap had arrived back to the community house and were helping George out with the final touches.

"Do you guys need help?" Asked George as he waited for the sand to smelt into glass.

"We're good, thanks," Dream replied.

The community house was slowly coming back together.

"Hello," Tommy's minecraft character strolled towards both Dream and Sapnap. "Outside still looks like a mess."

𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒, dreamWhere stories live. Discover now