1: Kidnapping a Defenseless Animal

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You were hanging out with your friends at a 7/11. It was raining, but wasn't a very heavy fall. The others were currently buying themselves snacks, but since you were already done, you sat at the curb on the sidewalk watching the cars drive by.

Taking a sip from your slurpee, you let out a sigh. You furrowed your eye brows and wondered what was taking your pesky friends so long to buy a bag of chips. Then again [F/n] is a picky eater...

Your attention was drawn to the alleyway behind you, from a loud bang and a guy running away with a look of pure terror, leaving a trail of red drops behind him. "What the fuck?" You stood up and brushed your hands off on your jeans before walking over to the alley and peaking in.

There on the floor by a graffiti-ed dumpster lied a pile of green fur that was stained in a puddle of red. "Holy shit!" You whispered and took a step back before shaking your head while taking a deep breath. "What even is that thing??"

You took another slurp of your slurpee and ventured into the alley. Grabbing a stick, you poked the fur clump. It moved a little, so you poked it again, this time however, it rolled over. "Oh damn... "

There on the floor in the pool of its own blood lied a small green bear. You felt yourself internally panic, resulting in you going into auto pilot. You dropped the stick and gripped on the bottle in your other hand. "H-Hey..." You bent down and shook the unconscious bear.

Once you realised that they aren't waking up, you sighed and unzipped your jacket. "[Name] what the fuck are you doing?" [F/n] called from the outside of the alleyway, your other friends behind them. "Yeah, why are you in there? It looks shady as hell."

You let out a rough sigh and scooped up the injured animal, zipping them up in your jacket to keep them out of the rain. "Nothing." You finally replied to your friends and excited the alley and stood beside your friends. They couldn't see the bear and the fact that you were wearing the jacket [B/n] had given you, that was a bit too big, helped hide the them pretty well... Besides the fact that their blood was now leaking through the fabric.

"Uhh [Name], you've got a little something..." [F/n] pointed to your jacket while shoving a handful of chips into their mouth. "Huh? Oh shit-" 'Crap what do I say??' "Yeah I kinda spilt my drink... On my jacket- yeah I think I might just head home anyways." [F/n] squinted their eyes before humming. "Alright, bye then..." You waved goodbye and started to jog away in the opposite direction of them and to your house.

Once you finally got inside, you slid to the floor, trying to catch your breath. "Okay okay okayokayokay... Okay... We got this..." You stood up and walked into the kitchen, unzipping your jacket and setting the bear on the counter. You then reach underneath the sink and pull out the med kit, letting out a sigh and setting it down next to the sleeping fluff ball.


You used your teeth to rip the last bandage like an animal, before padding it down on the small bear. It took you a while, but hey! He's not dead, so that's a go! You of course noticed some things while 'operating'. One being his name, which is Flippy. You found out by his dog tag, which you found pretty cool. Also, now that you look at him, he seems to be around 3ft tall.

You drop his bloodied clothes in the sink, full of hot/warm water and pick up the Flippy bear. "Hmmm..." You thought about where to let him rest, the couch was comfortable, but [B/n] might sit on him. You hum and settle down on letting him sleep in your bed.

After tucking him in, you left the door cracked with the bathroom light on, and grabbed yourself some blankets and pillows before making your bed on the couch. [B/n] should be home soon, possibly with his 'friend'. You walk into the kitchen and wipe down the counters, hoping to remove as much of the red as possible.

After cleaning the kitchen, you plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. "Of course it's on the fucking news channel..." You grumbled, exhausted from a day of socializing and fixing up a tiny green bear, you didn't even bother to change the channel and just lied down. With your head on your arm, you felt your eyes get heavy as the lights on the TV flashed.

"[Name]... [Name]... [Name]!" [B/n] yelled, waking you up with a screech. "[B/n] what the hell!? I was sleeping!" [B/n] put his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent. "Yeah, on the couch! Why aren't you in your room?" You steadied your self with your arm and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Jesus [B/n], I..." You let out an aggravated sigh. "I have a friend over. He hurt himself so I let him sleep in my bed."

"You have a friend over?" [B/n] squinted at you with suspicion. "Well where is my friend going to sleep?" He gestured to the man right beside him. "Oh I don't know- with you?" [B/n] froze as heat rose to his cheeks and ears. "Oooookay, well that's settled. Come on [B/n], let's go." Said the other male as he pulled your brother into the room on the other side of the apartment.

With a groan, you fell back onto the couch. "What time even is it???" You rolled back off the couch and stumbled into the kitchen to check the time. "Five... Fucking thirty-two. Damn I love life..." You grumbled and lazily walked over to the fridge and grabbed the gallon of orange juice.

Unscrewing the cap and taking a few swigs before putting back on and in the fridge. You wiped away the remaining liquid with your arm and closed the fridge door. "... Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something??"

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