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From random question in my head: Why do Enderman steal blocks?
Hey guys, *walks in garden* gotta good question.

Everyone: *gathers around a bench*

It involves Endermen.

Everyone: *looks at an Enderman's feet*

Eddy the Enderman: .............. *talks a fashion accent* You know you guys can look me in the eye right? I'm a non-killer.

Everyone: heh heh.... Sorry....... Just looking at a flower...... Pretty flower

Eddy: -_- Wut's the question?

From a random part of my head, why do Endermen steal blocks?

Eddy: First of all, we don't steal we put it back after a while. Second, we collect blocks to decor the End. The End has a very bland style. White everywhere as far as you can see. We Endermen like to decor and create wonderful styles of decor. Consider us the fashionistas of all mobs. Purple and black is our favorites. If people look us at the eye we scream their faces because most skins look ugly. Plus, they get coal dust and food bits on their faces. They are basically ugly and we want to get rid of them before they make us sick. Kind of like cockroaches.


Eddy: No offense, darlings.

Hero: *punches fist in other hand*

Eddy: O-O *teleports*

That explains the Endermens' attitude.

Notch: That's a thing I wanna keep though. They gave me this hat. The dragon was kind enough to give me a scale to make the top of it.

Steve: Aaaaaawwww I wanna hat. *kicks tree*

Tree: Happy place...... Players are your friends....... Nyan cat is with me...... Hero is a jerk....

Everyone: *backs away slowly*
Come on! I KNOW YOUR READING DIS! Make dares or questions! I can't make them all myself. EeveesAndCheesecakes was kind enough to tell me a dare. Much funnies will begin if you guys send in ideas.

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