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Uuuugggggggghhhhhhh. *walks around bored* (by the way, it's night)

Zach the Zombie: Uuuugggggggghhhhhhh.

HOLY SQUIDDERS, ZACH! You scared the crap out of me!

Zach: Heh heh, I am such a troller! *does troll face*

I don't care if you are a troller, don't scare me like that. I get a bit "punchy" when I get too scared. Different from my anger I get when SOMEBODY TRASHES MAH GARDEN! *yells to other guys in the hangout*

Shelly: Don't worry, we learned our lesson! *shivers* A cold, dark lesson.

Zach: Ok I won't. *walks away* Not for long. *smirks evilishly* Time to get the gang together.


Zach: *sneaks in garden with friends* shhh we need to get by them. *points to us talking*

Friends: *snickers or grins*

Zach: *sneaks to the kicking tree* Hey tree, mind if I use you as a prank?

Tree: Ok, I need some excitement here.

Zach and friends: *sets up a scary prank on Tree*

Zach: Ok guys, I will attach myself to this rope and jump down when Gabby gets here. You have to get her attention and get her to come here. *points at spot under Tree* Got it?

Friends: *all nod and get to positions*

Zach: Ready. *thumbs up*

Friends: *makes suspicious noises*

Hey, what's that noise?

Hero: I dunno, you go check it out.

Fine, got nothing to do anyway. *walks to noise*

Zach: 3, 2, 1 *jumps off tree* GWAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

AAAAHHHHH, F***!!! *punches Zach over and over* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!

Everyone else: *runs to us*

Zach: I GIVE UP, I GIVE UP! LET ME LIVE! *shielding face*

DDDDDIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! *punches hard then stops*

Zach: *dies with a poof* Poof!

*huff huff* Stupid. *huff* *huff* Zombie.

Everyone: *backs away slowly*
I am SO sorry guys! My mom grounded me for two months from my IPad, so yah. Pwease forgive me!

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