His Type (Mortal Meet Solangelo)

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How Penelope met Solangelo:

I swear I wasn't going around eavesdropping, but when I saw the sunshine boy approach the emo goth, I did a double take. Until then it was a fairly normal stroll through the park.

Sunshine boy smirked. "So are you straight?" he asked bluntly.

Emo goth smirked, "Yup." Sunshine's expression fell. "Straight from hell... Solace." Sunshine boy, or Solace,  smiled a megawatt smile while slowly shaking his head.

"You'll be the death of me Di Angelo." The two stared each other in the eyes, they were about to kiss, when...

Loud snickers filled the park. I followed their gaze to a nearby bench where a girl with green hair was wheezing. The dude with blond hair and striking electric blue eyes facepalmed. "Nice going Kayla, you interrupted the cutest most cliche scene ever. For shame. You do realize, Reyna, Piper, Percy, and pretty much the rest of camp are going to murder you slowly and painfully?"

"Yeah, yeah," she flicked her wrist. "You know why I couldn't resist, those pickup lines were fucking funny."

"Not to mention Solangelo themselves. Neeks will bring you back to life, while field medic Will will break every single bone in your body while naming them" Blondie continued on as if he didn't hear her.

Kayla gulped. "Shcist."

"So... What color would you like for your funeral shroud?"

"Gold, with green highlights. Make it pretty..." , Kayla trailed off seeing tiny emo goth's, oh Di Angelo's, expression. She took off without looking back.

Solace? Glared at blondie. "You're not innocent either."

"You know what... I have a meeting.. with Reyna." The glare intensified, "I'm just gonna run." Blondie ran for his life, and I agreed with his reaction. The glares made me want to run, and they weren't directed anywhere near me.

After they were gone, the two teens relaxed their glares.

"You know, as much as I want to kill them, I just don't want to have to deal with the paperwork."

"You can also get revenge tonight. I won't come between you and your grudges."

"That... and... I sort of want to do this." Di Angelo stood on his tiptoes, and smashed their mouths together. The sunny one was frozen, then eagerly kissed him back.

From the bushes I hear a squealed "Solangelo forever!!!" Solace and Di Angelo just stuck up their middle finger, not breaking the kiss. Another voice called out, "Fucking Finally! He admitted his type!" There was a loud whacking sound, then a muffled apology. 

That's how I met Solangelo, and honestly it was the most cliche adorable first kiss I have ever seen.

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