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"And...ACTION!" John Watts yelled, I was in the new Spider-man movie and played the older version of Morgan Stark, and this scene was a little dramatic. "It's your fault he's dead!" Yep that's me. The script was this basiclly.

Bolded: Morgan

Italics: Peter

Morgan, I-

No! Stop! There's nothing you can do to make this better.

It was his free will!

So? He made that time device, and joined the mission because he wanted you back.


No! Everyone in my life loves you more than me!

That's not true.

Yes it is! Dad-I mean Tony left for you, Pepper goes to every one of your school events and even missed my graduatuion from 8th to highschool for your decatholon meet, and Happy is dating your aunt and doesn't even pay attention to me

That's not true.

STOP SAYING THAT! Happy now pays a driver to take me places! He's supposed to be my driver and uncle, but no, he's now more of yours then he's ever been mine.

"CUT! That was great guys!" John Watts smiled and walked away since we were doing another scene in the "training" area. When we got there the crew hooked me up to the rope. I was little scared because I have only done it once before and not really familiar with it.

"Y/N, we're going to lift you up now." One of the crew guys warned me, I nodded to scared to speak. The machine whirred as it lifted me up higher and higher. "Ok, we're going to let you get used to it so we're going to lower you slowly since in this scene you come down from the vents." John said. I nodded and waited for them to start lowering me, "Guys are you going to lower-" I was cut off as I heard a scream. Wait that was my scream! I looked around me to see I was free falling. I blacked out before my face met the ground. "Y/N!"

I woke up from my blackout to see Chris standing over me looking terrified. "You need to see a doctor!" I blacked again because the pain was too much for me. When I woke up I was in a white room and a machine was beeping slowly in the corner. 'Y/N, your awake!" I looked over to see Tom and Chris sitting on a couch. "You broke your leg!"

"Of course I did." You said sighing sadly.

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