I Lost Our Baby

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"Today I will be assigning partners for the baby project!" Mr Harrington (don't know how to spell his name) said. "Lee with Butler, Lehan with Peterson, Conway with..." he kept calling names for the project as Y/N groaned. She has heard of this project and dreaded it when she first heard that she had to do it with a partner. "L/N, with Parker," She froze unsure what to do. "Y/N!" Peter called, her blood ran cold as he walked towards her. Peter, her crush.

"So," He said startling her when he spoke, "We can meet at my place after school since it's Friday and we don't have decathlon practice." Right. The things she signed up for because he did. Surprisingly she wasn't bad at it, she held the second place record for how many questions she got right at a competition. Peter's first of course. "Yeah that's cool!" she said, "We can walk there after school." Peter nodded in agreement, and sped off when the bell rang.


After Peter and Y/N grabbed the baby from the classroom and the carriage that they provided for them, they headed off to Peter apartment. When they got there they sat down and talked about a schedule and who's taking the baby on what day and what time they'll hand it off. Since it was over the weekend it was hard to find times but they worked it out. Y/N had it first, so she took it, said her goodbyes, and went out the door. "This might be a little hard.." Y/N thought as she exited the building.


The partners had a rough time with the baby and Y/N was happy when she finally gave Peter it for his half of the weekend. Y/N walked into the school bright and cherry but stopped walking when she saw Peter, looking disheveled and grimy. She walked up to him with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Peter?"

"I lost our baby." He stated looking at the ground,

Y/N was a little furious since she spent so much time with the baby and missed out on a party she was supposed to go to. "What?! How?! You better have a good excuse!"

He sighed and then looked into her eyes, "I-I was mugged?"

"That sounded like a question, and I know you're lying!"

He looked up and down the hallway and pulled her into an empty classroom.

"What-?!" A hand covered her mouth and she stopped suddenly.

"I have to tell you something." She looked at him and nodded.

"I-I'm spider-man."

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