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 Y/N sat up in her toddler bed looking around for one person, "Fwiday, where is Uncle Stevey?" Y/N waited for a moment, "He is with James on the 46th floor, my dear." Y/N has never heard of a James in the tower before. She grabbed her favorite backpack, full with her favorite magnets and walked out of her room into the elevator. She jumped as high as she could a couple times until she finally pressed the button for the 46th floor. The elevator started moving as Y/N zipped and unzipped her bag a bunch of times.

The elevator doors opened, and Y/N sprinted out dragging her backpack with her, "Uncle Stevey! Uncle Stevey!" Y/N sprinted into the living room of that floor and saw Steve and another man sitting closely on the couch together. "What is it called again?" you thought, "Snuggling? Snuggling! They are snuggling!"

She ran over and jumped up onto the couch startling the strange man and Steve. "Oh hey Y/N/N!" Steve said grabbing you and pulling you into a hug, all of a sudden you and Steve her a big clang and the strange man jumped in surprise. Y/N squealed in excitement at how her backpack stuck to the man's silver arm. "Oh, Y/N this is Bucky" 'Bucky' nodded at you in acknowledgement. "Look Uncle Stevey! My magnet get stuck to his arm!"

Steve laughed at the 6 year old and Bucky was slightly frightened at how you kept sticking and unsticking the magnets to his arm . You kept doing this as Steve and Bucky kept talking. You were laughing every time you took a magnet off. You didn't seem to get tired of it and Bucky, laughing slightly, turned to Steve and whispered,

"That's starting to get annoying!"

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