~Time skip a few days~

~Kira's Message~

"It is highly unfortunate that the police have said 'no' to my offer. However , I expect news reports to continue featuring criminals as before, or else I will have to pass judgement on the people in the police and the media. But... since the police have decided to oppose me, that alone will not do. As a penalty, I will take the life of Director-general of the NPA, which has formed a task force to find and catch me. Or of the alleged mastermind leading this task force, known only as L. the director-general, or L, which one will it be? You have four days to decide who will be sacrificed for the loss of a peaceful and just world. I know the face of the director-general and can easily take his life. But if L is chosen instead... he is to appear in Sakura TV in four days, on the six P.M. news, and speak for a 10 minute period. I will be the judge of whether the person shown is L. If I determine the person is not L, I will take the lives of several police chiefs worldwide as compensation. Lying to me will cost you dearly. I will say this yet again, i do not want to take the lives of innocent people. You have four days. Think it over, and think well."

~Time skip one day~

Everyone was waiting for Yagami to get back, Y/n was sitting in a chair further away from the group, her right leg pulled up to her chest as her left hung off the edge. She had an Apple flavored Lollipop in her mouth, every once and a while she giggled. Her giggles were becoming more and more rare, Matsuda asked about this and L explained what she had told him a few nights before.

A few more minutes passed and Yagami walked through the door. Aizawa stood up and asked "How did it go Chief?" Yagami sat down as he spoke "just as I thought Ryuzaki.. World leaders have talked it over among them-self's and.. They're demanding that L.. not a stand in, but the real L.. appear on TV." he spoke and Y/n giggled a little, she started to whisper things to herself as she started to freak out, her breathing got thinner. No one but L really noticed this. "After doing almost nothing to help the investigation, they don't even try to come up with some alternative. Kira says jump, they ask how high." Watari noticed Y/n's state and walked over to her. He sat down next to her and whispered, "Y/n, can you please answer some questions for me?" he asked in a soft voice, she nodded a little and Watari asked "can you please tell me 5 things you see in this room?" Y/n nodded and looked around. The men in the room noticed what was going on and watched as she started listing things she saw "cake, chairs, the window, the TV, and L" she spoke softly in between breaths, Watati smiled softly and said "Yes, now please tell me 4 things you can hear for me?" he asked and Y/n closed her eyes and started listening. "Cars outside,you asking me questions, my breathing, and the wind outside" she spoke softly. Watati smiled a little again and said "good, now please list 3 things you can feel?" he spoke in a soft voice. Y/n was now so focused on Watari and his questions she had stopped freaking out. "My shirt, the chair, and the carpet" she spoke as she moved her foot on the carpet. Watari nodded and smiled lightly again, "perfect, now please list 2 things you can smell for me?" he asked and Y/n nodded again, smelling the air, "cake and tea" she spoke, Watari smiled and chuckled a little, "yes, now one thing you can taste?" Y/n thought about it and said "My Apple Lollipop" she said, completely calmed down now. Watati smiled and asked "Feel better?" Y/n nodded and smiled a little at him. He opened his arms and Y/n gave him a hug, whispering "Thank you Watari" he smiled sweetly and said "any time Y/n"

The men went back to talking after this happened and L spoke "their decision is both right and reasonable. It's simply unacceptable for the police to work with Kira. and if it's between me and the NPA Director- General, of course it should be me. I'm the one who challenged Kira and said I'd capture him. It's the right decision." he spoke and Y/n got worried again, not enough to start panicking again though. She walked over and leaned her forearms in the back of L's chair as she spoke. "But.. that means you'll.. You'll be.." she started but L turned to look at her. The look in his eyes told her that he would be ok.

Criminally Insane (L x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن