Day Eight

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When she awoke the next morning, she was surprisingly in a good mood.

She got ready for the day and exchanged her track pants for jeans.

As she made her way down to see Fitz, all she could think about was the moment he would wake up.

Would it be soon? Would she have to wait another week, or worse, months?

Of course, she didn't want to think about it, but it's reality.

She greeted everyone as usual, and made her way into Fitz's room.

Doctor Hicks was in taking his vitals and she smiled at Jemma.

"He seems to be doing well."

That made Jemma smile.

"Great to hear," she sat down, "So, is there any telling when he might wake up?"

The doctor shook her head.

"Hard to tell. With the latest problem, could be another week."

Another week? She guessed that wasn't as bad as a month.

"Thank you," Jemma said, giving the doctor a smile.

She left and Simmons was eventually alone with Fitz.

"Please wake up, Fitz. I miss you."

Coulson, and May were watching her on the surveillance in his office.

"Everyday she's falling more and more apart."

"She lost her best friend."

Coulson shook his head, "She hasn't yet. But I'm afraid she's taking mind off work. She still has responsibilities.

May, for once, showed major sympathy.

"Phil. You know those two were attached at the hip. They finish each other's sentences, they have worked together for 11 years and they love each other, more than we'll ever know."

Director Coulson looked at May, in shock.

"I know that, May. But when she signed up for this she knew there was consequences."

"She didn't know they would cost her best friends life," she snapped back.

"If she did she would've never joined. She'd die before she'd let him."

Coulson knew what May said was true.

Skye walked into the room.

"She's losing her best friend, Coulson. Give her a goddamn break."

And he couldn't help but wish Fitz would wake up soon, he needed his team back.


Skye looked down at her computer and tried to finish typing.

"Hello Skye," she heard in a British accent.


"Hi, Simmons. How are you?"

A mix between a smile and a frown grew on her face.

"I'm fine. Just tired, that's all."

Skye knew Simmons wasn't sleeping but she wanted to know why.

"Listen, Simmons. I know you haven't been sleeping, and why is that?"

Jemma didn't want to admit it, it was stupid really and kind of selfish.

But if anyone would help her, it'd be Skye.

"I, I've been having trouble sleeping because..I'm afraid I will get put back into a pod and dumped into the ocean."

Skye felt bad for Simmons.

"And I was afraid I'd be alone, and that I'd never see Fitz again."

"No, no. You're gonna see Fitz. You have been for the past few days. What if I sleep in the same room and watch over you until you fall asleep?"

She thought this through for a moment, it would be easier to sleep, and she wouldn't be as scared.

"Well, I guess that could work."

They smiled at each other and Simmons forgot the whole reason she came here.


Within the next hour, she found herself in Fitz's hospital room.

Of course, Skye wanted to see him so they went together.

Simmons took to her usual spot in the chair next to him and interlocked their fingers together again.

"I want to see his eyes," she blurted out.

Why she would say such a thing she never knew?

"I miss them, they were so blue and they always glistened in the morning after he woke up."

Skye smiled at Jemma and her cuteness.

"I also miss his voice. My lord, it's been so long."

Skye approached the seat next to her and sat down.

"I just miss him," she said, before letting some tears fall.

"Oh, Simmons."

Before she knew it, Skye had Simmons in her arms.

"Come on, you've had a long day. Let's get you to bed."

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