Chapter 23- Flashbacks and Halucinations

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~Italy, 1114~

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~Italy, 1114~

"But with the bloodshed, came exposure."

"These... Demons... Live among you. Passing as human. So witness with your own eyes." Alexander, the hunter, said as he opened a metal box showing a vampire who started to whine in pain as the sun hit him, before screaming as he caught on fire.

"He's putting on quite the show." Elijah states to the twins by his side. "He's nothing. I could eat him for sport." Klaus says as they continue to watch. "Still. We should the warning." Aleksian tells her brothers.

"Between you and Aleksian here, and Kol in the east. You have not been discreet. Stories of the Original vampires are spreading." Elijah says and his sister notices him trying to hide a smile. "I welcome such infamy. But if you're worried about discretion perhaps one of you should range our other sister." Klaus says as the three watch Alexander kiss Rebekah's hand before leading her away.

End of flashback ~

"So these hunters have been around for over 900 years." Stefan says, though it was more of a question. "Apparently. Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then." Klaus responds. "And I as well. In my small travels away from Niklaus, I've yet to come across one until yesterday since 1114." Aleksian tells the two.

"Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years." Klaus says as he leans back in his seat. "And Rebekah had a thing for one of them?" Stefan asks and the green-eyed Original chuckle lowly. "She didn't just have a thing with one of them. She was in love with him." she tells the younger vampire.

"He told her all his secrets... Which I will gladly share with you... Provided you do one thing for me." Klaus starts and waits for the Salvatore's answer. "And what's that?" "Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn. And hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information which she won't do unless she believes we've made up."

"And... What's in it for me?" Stefan asks as the two men stand up. "Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan-- trust me when I say this... That hunter in there, holds the answer to all your prayers." Klaus states, and with that, Stefan leaves.

"You just want the cure so you can make more stupid hybrids don't you?" Aleksian asks, and when she doesn't hear an answer she nods her head. "I thought so. Well, if we're going to do a storytime for your evil little schemes, might as well have it over dinner. What shall it be? Steak, lobster, lamb to symbolize the last of the innocence of our sister you're stuffing out?"

That makes Klaus rolls his eyes at his twin's theatrics that aren't unlike his own. "Whatever you feel like, dear sister." he answers before walking away.

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