Chapter 52//Troye

Start from the beginning

"Connor told me that he has feelings for me." I say quietly not looking at Tyler when I talk. I look up at Tyler and he goes from looking frustrated to looking somewhat worried. What is wrong with him? 

"You-you don't have feelings for him do you?" Tyler asks and I can tell that he is one hundred percent serious. Does he really doubt our relationship that much? Is he that insecure? I pull Tyler into my arms and he just sits there not embracing me back until I give him and answer.

"No. Tyler I am so in love with you that I don't even understand it. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life and I intend to keep loving you a little bit more every single day. Connor is like a brother to me, Ty. You are the only one." Tyler wraps his arms around me and snuggles his head into my shoulder. A few seconds later he pulls back  so he can kiss me. Its a few minutes before I pull back untangling myself from Tyler.

"Troyeeeeeee." Tyler whines but stops when I start to take my clothes  off. He watches me slowly peel of my layers of clothes until I am only in my boxers. I slide under the blankets with Tyler and Tyler rolls on top of me and starts kissing me. I kiss him back softly, telling him without words that I don't want to do anything more than kissing right now. We kiss for a few minutes before rolls off of me.

"I love you, Tyler." I say kissing his bare shoulder as he puts his back against my chest. I wrap my arms around him stroking his smooth bare skin as we drift off to sleep. Its a peaceful sleep. The kind of peaceful that I don't get all that often. Especially lately. With the production, classes and the concert I have been pretty stressed lately. Its nice to forget for a moment and just be able to hold my stupid senior in my arms and sleep.

I wake up to a loud crashing noise. My eyes shoot open and I sit up quickly pulling Tyler's weight with me. Tyler groans as he opens his eyes rubbing them and looking around confused. I look over to see that Connor is throwing his things into his suitcases. God damn it. He doesn't have to do this. I don't want this to happen. I still want to be his friend I just don't want it to be awkward between us. I want our normal brotherly friendship I don't want whatever is probably going to come from this. 

"Connor you don't have to do this." Connor doesn't even look up at me when I start talking. He does look up at Tyler and I after a few moments and he flinches when he sees that we are both topless. He looks back down at his stuff and continues to throw his stuff into his suit cases. I get up throwing on a shirt and a pair of sweats, I walk over to his bags and stand in front of them forcing Connor to look at me. He looks like he is about to start crying at any moment. "Tyler can you leave for a minute?"  I hear Tyler stand up behind me and scamper around the room looking for some sort of clothing. He puts something on then leaves the room slamming the door behind him. I don't think he's all to keen to leave me in a room with Connor. I know that Tyler trusts me to be faithful but I don't think he expects Connor to respect us. 

"Troye I have to do this. It'll be easier for both of us. It will make it easier for me to not be drowning in jealously. It will lessen the inevitable pain that is sure to come from this unrequited shit." Connor says and tears start spilling over his eyes onto his soft cheeks. I can't stand seeing him cry but I can't do anything. Nothing that I can do, actually scratch that, nothing that I want to do will make him feel better.

"I feel terrible Connor but I just don't-" He cuts me off but he does it in a way that its so unacceptable I don't even know what to do at first.  The fucking boy kisses me. He holds me agaisnt him so that I can't get away. I try to push myself away from him but he obviously doesn't get the message because he keeps kissing me. How could he fucking do this? He just got cheated on. Why would he want this to happen? Doesn't he realize that even if Tyler dumps me I would not go running to him? Why does he think this is okay?

I hear the door opening behind me then I hear Tyler gasp and Connor jumps away from me like he's been electrocuted.  I pull my arm back and let it snap foward smacking him in the face with loud sound. Connor cups his cheek and lets out a little yell. 

"WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT? WHY DO THINK THAT IS OKAY? CONNOR ARE BLIND? I DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU. I. DON'T. HAVE. FEELINGS. FOR. YOU. " I yell at him not caring that my boyfriend is standing right behind me. Or that Connor is crying or that the entire building probably just heard me yelling.  I don't care because what he did was unforgivable. He just kissed me when he knows that I am in love with my boyfriend. WHy did he think that was okay? He just got cheated on. Why would he want Tyler to feel that? This not my best friend. This is not my Connor. What the hell?

"Get out." Tyler says and starts to stalk towards looking angry and like he wants to beat the shit out of him. I hear someone clear their throat in the doorway and we turn to see our DA standing there. He looks bored and he has his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oakley get back. Franta you are  moving into a room with Howell and Lester and their other roommate Caspar Lee is moving in here with you guys. Franta get your stuff out of here as fast as you can. You can start after first period, right now come with me. If I have any more trouble with any of you three you are all going to have detention in separate class rooms for the next three weeks." The DA walks out of the room and Connor follows him with his head hanging towards the floor.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asks pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and think for a moment before I answer him.

"I'm fine. I'm just disappointed that he would do that." Tyler squeezes me tightly then shuts the door to our room so we can get ready for the day. We get dressed together helping each other fix our hair before we head to class.



Hey guys it Amanda and I'm really sorry if you don't like the Tronnor shit but I wanted a little drama.  This got deleted like half way through so I had to rewrite a ton of this but its all good now!! I actaully liked writing this chapter so I really hope that you like it. If you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you sugar plums.

tumblr: smilingtilly

twitter: ExplicitTronnor

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