Under the Mountain

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I think this is where we started disliking Tamlin. 

He just sat there, stone-faced, while the woman he claimed to love, actually, let me correct myself. The human woman he claimed to love was tortured and put through trials by High Fae, one of them being the most ferocious of generals the King of Hybern had. And he just sat there. His excuse was apparently that he couldn't let Amarantha know that her torturing Feyre was his weakness. Rhys would have come up with something clever that would make Amarantha leave Feyre alone. Obviously, that didn't happen, because no one is as good as Rhysand. 

But instead, Tamlin just sat there. While Feyre was abused, as a human. By faeries. 

Rhysand was the one who risked his neck by going to heal Feyre, Lucien was the one who screamed "On your left!" during the trial with the Middengard Wyrm, while Tamlin sat there and did absolutely nothing. And Feyre risked her life, because she thought what she had with Tamlin was worth dying for. Tamlin is a High Lord, for crying out loud. He should've done something. But no. He just sat there. And the one free moment he did get with Feyre, he used to make out with her instead of getting her out of Under the Mountain. 

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Tamlin, High Lord of the Sidelines

Rhysand vs. Tamlin: All the reasons why Rhysand is wayyyy better than TamlinWhere stories live. Discover now