Short - (dream)

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𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: 𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕖

I was currently cooking dinner while Clay was upstairs recording a video for his channel,

"LEAVE ME ALONE" he screamed, I chuckled as I continued chopping the onion my eyes slowly starting to water,

"Ah shit why does this onion have to be such a bitch" I spoke to myself looking up at the ceiling trying to dry my teary eyes out,

I brought out some fresh meat but needed the seasoning which was on the top cabinet and me being a short girl couldn't reach it,

"God why did Clay put the seasonings so high up no ones gonna steal it" I said sighing,

I tried tip toeing but failed miserably, I wanted to ask Clay but didn't wanted to bother him so I took a chair and stood on it but me being the unlucky person I am, I somehow stepped on the wrong place and fell down landing on my precious back,

When making contact with the floor a loud sound was created causing Clay to hear it and quickly take his headset off and run downstairs,

He went to the kitchen and saw me sitting up with my front bending down facing the floor, my hand trying to caress my back to ease the pain,

He could feel your pain but then imagined you falling causing him to hold his laughter,

"Babe are you okay" he said walking over to you,

"No I am not okay" I barely said as it was painful as hell,

He crouched down, slowly caressing your back while holding in his laughter,

"Don't laugh" I said knowing he's gonna laugh,

"Sorry I just imagined you falling down, it just seem funny but seriously are you okay" he said worried,

"I feel a little better now" I said looking up, he carried me carefully trying not to hurt me, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed me down on the counter, he looked at me and kissed my nose,

"You should have asked me babe, you wouldn't have gotten hurt" he said hugging me caressing my back to lessen the pain,

"I didn't wanted to bother you but why would you put the seasoning so god dam high" I said, he smiled thinking of me struggling to reach the cabinet,

"I forgot, I am sorry babe but please next time tell me when you can't reach something, you are not bothering me princess, i don't want you getting hurt again" he said looking into my eyes tucking my hair behind my ears,

"Okie" I said kissing his lips, he kissed back holding my waist bringing me closer to him, he pulled away and kissed my forehead, he placed his nose on mine nuzzling it, I smiled at him blushing slightly,

"Does your back still hurt?" He said carrying me off the counter,

"It's a lot better" I said hugging him,

"How about you go rest and heal up I will cook dinner"

"But I wanna cook dinner with you"

"Princess you need to rest"


"No buts you are gonna rest" he said carrying me upstairs, he placed me on the bed patting my head,

I pouted as I looked up at him,

"Don't do this princess go rest" he said ruffling my hair, I nodded laying down, he went over and kissed my lips,

"Love you"
( ˘ ³˘)♥
Online lessons are annoying as hell😔😔, anyways thank you for reading, who should I do next, Gogy or sappy nappy?

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