The door opened ten minutes later.

"Come in." A nurse ushered us to come inside.

We quickly got up and went inside.

Kai was lying on the bed wrapped in bandages which were soaked in blood.

"He didn't want me to apply any kind of medication." Dr. Suthee said.

I walked closer to him.

"Kai you're really weak right now. Let him apply the medication so your wounds can heal properly." I said softly.

"I don't need it. I just need you and Zen." He looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I said you can't use magic but you can help me when I'm low on mana. I just need some of your energy." He slowly extended his hand.

I immediately grabbed it.

I could feel my energy being sucked out little by little.

Soon enough all his wounds had healed and he was good as new.

I felt a little light headed so i sat down on the bed beside him.

He slowly sat up and leaned on the headboard.

"W-what happened to Forth?" I asked shakily.

I was really scared to know the answer to the question but i had to know.

He pursed his lips.

"Some demons who called themselves the ten commandments appeared. They said they are the rulers of hell. They were really strong. We managed to defeat three of them but the others...." He frowned deeply.

I visibly gulped.

"We couldn't handle them all at once. And the two of their strongest weren't even there." He added.

"Forth..." I asked.

"Forth he.... He used the remaining mana he had and wrapped it around me and sent me here. I don't know what exactly happened to him." He clenched his fists.

I bit my lips. Tears formed in my eyes.

Kai's eyes wandered to my neck where his mark used to be.

He pursed his lips.

"I can't feel him anymore. If he was taken somewhere then we would still be able to feel his presence even if we can't talk to him. But now....." He trailed off.

I could see his eyes were starting to pool with tears as well.

"He promised he would come back..." I muttered under my breath.

"He told me to take care of you guys before sending me here." Kai said. "And to tell you that he's sorry he can't keep his promise."

I could hear Zen whining and whimpering.

The others were also crying.

"I think he...." Kai looked away.

"What is it?" I asked.

"He might have used that spell. I knew i shouldn't have told him about it." He mumbled.

"What spell?"

"It's a last resort for when you run out of mana. You gather all the natural energy around you and combine it with with your life force. Since those two things don't mix...."

"Self destruct....." I muttered in horror.

Kai clenched his eyes shut and bit his lips.

I could hear loud gasps.

The others looked horrified.

"Excuse me." Dr. Suthee spoke up.

We looked at him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but you're his wolf aren't you?" He asked Kai.

Kai nodded.

"If he's not here anymore how are you still here?" He asked.

We all turned to Kai.

"He didn't just push me out like the other times when we played together. He completely separated me from him when he felt that we weren't going to win. Mana and everything." Kai explained.

My gaze fell on his hands. They were shaking.

"He might try to hide it but he's actually really soft on the inside. Much like a small cub."

Forth's words rang in my head.

I quickly moved closer to him and pulled him into my embrace.

"Don't try to act tough. Let it out." I said softly.

His body started trembling and i could feel my shoulder getting wet. He snaked his arms around my waist and clutched onto my shirt tightly. He buried his face in the crook of my neck.

My tears were also falling nonstop.

You said you would come back....You said you don't make promises you can't keep.....

The guardian Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant